
突然ですが、皆さんトルコ料理と聞いて何を思い浮かべますか? フムスをはじめとするディップやケバブなどの肉料理を思い浮かべる人が多いのでは。今回紹介するのは、そんなイメージを覆すモダントルコ料理店Tulum。Balaclava駅からすぐのこの店は、一見しただけではトルコ料理店だとは気が付かないかも。オーナーシェフのCoskunさんいわく「トルコ料理店というと、皆ケバブやミートボール、店内は壁にラグをメージするけど、そんないかにもなイメージを壊したいし、今のトルコを知って欲しい」。この言葉に、グッと期待が高まった。



Pirasa $18


Karpuz $18


Balik $38


Muhallebi $16



Eat using your five senses

What do you think when you hear the phrase ‘Turkish cuisine’? I bet many would think of hummus, various other dips and meat-based dishes like kebabs, but the restaurant we’re visiting this month, Tulum, overturns those ideas with its modern Turkish cuisine. Located right next to Balaclava station, Tulum doesn’t look like a Turkish restaurant at first glance. Owner-chef Coskun points out that this is deliberate. “When you say Turkish cuisine, everyone imagines kebabs and meatballs, with rugs on the walls, but I wanted to destroy this image and also get people to know the Turkey of today,” Coskun explains. With these words, my anticipation increased further. 

To start offwe tried the Pirasa, which consisted of leek cooked in orange juice. This dish is a variation of a hot-pot dishCoskun’s mother used to make, and the sweetness of the soft, sticky leak, combined with the tartness of the juice made for a light, nutritious dish. The faintly exotic spices and refreshing aroma of the dill made for a nice accent, too. 

Next we ate the gorgeous, brightly-colouredKarpuz. You wouldn’t know from a quick glance, but the watermelonand melon pickled in house-made rose water, have been hollowed out and have a cream-like feta cheese inside. While it’s not a combination you might expect,itapparently is a traditional one in Turkey. Upon trying it, the balance between the fruit’s sweetness, the acidity of the vinegar and tomato and the rich, thick cheese was just divine. With the refreshing qualities of mint plus the fact the dish is served ice cold means itis easy to eat even if you’re suffering from the summer heat. Matching it with one of Tulum’s original fruity cocktails may be a great idea, too.

Our main meal wasn’t meat-based, but was instead a fish dish called Balik. As mentioned earlier, many people’s image of Turkish food revolves around meat, but fish and vegetable dishes are quite common, too. Here a perfectly-cooked piece of barramundi, with crispy skin and soft, fluffy meat, sat atop a yoghurt soup base. Overall the flavour was pretty light at first, but if you pour over the butter mint sauce, a depth and richness appears and everything becomes more substantial. The soup also adds some fun textures thanks to its barley and chickpeas. 

For dessert we had what could almost be described as a Turkish chocolate panna cotta –Muhallebi. Presented on a mostly colourless plate with a single rose petal on top, the dramatic look matched the dish perfectly. Thanks to using 70 per cent dark chocolate, the Muhallebi itself is incredibly rich, but if you eat it with the faintly rose-scented yoghurt mousse, it glides down like a feather. Weird. This dish also contains pine-scented mastic flour (traditional in Turkish cuisine) and coffee crumbs, making it a deep and complex sweet. 

No matter what the dish, it is clear chef Coskun tries to adhere to both the traditional ingredients and arrangements of Turkish cuisine, but also createsa modern take on them.  Not only that, but the fact he and his team present the dishes beautifully and use hidden tastes and scents to really stimulate the five senses makes Tulum a refreshing experience. Whether it’s for a casual meal or special dinner, Tulum is an option worth considering. Gotchisousamadeshita! 


217 Carlisle St. Balaclava
03 9525 9127
Mon - Sat  5 - 10pm