Dengon Net(以下「当サイト」)が提供する全てのサービス(以下「本サービス」)は、下記の利用規約
(以下「本規約」)に従って、ご利用いただきます。本サー ビス内には、本規約以外に本サービスの
これらも本規約の一部を実質的に構成するものなので、合わせてお読みくださ い。


1. 本サービスの目的




2. ユーザーの定義
  1. 本サービスのユーザーとは、下記の登録を行なったユーザーと一般ユーザーの総称です。
  2. 一般ユーザーとは、下記に定めるユーザー登録を行なわずに利用できるサービスを利用する個人のことです。

3. ユーザー登録
  1. ユーザー登録とは、所定の書式に必要な内容をデータ入力・送信し、当サイトが承認することです。
  2. ユーザー登録をすると、当サイト内の「Classifieds」(以下クラシファイド)「Forum」
  3. 当サイトが許可した場合を除き、ユーザーは一人につき唯一のアカウントを保有できます。
  4. ユーザー名やパスワードは、個人用であり、いかなる場合も譲渡または貸与することを禁止します。
  5. 当サイトは、以下の各号のいずれかに該当する場合は、当社の判断によって、ユーザー登録を承認せず、
    1. ユーザーが本規約に違反した場合。
    2. ユーザー登録内容に虚偽があった場合。
    3. ユーザー登録後に内容変更が生じた際に、ユーザー自身が登録変更を行なわなかった場合。
    4. ユーザー登録をしたにも関わらず、ユーザーが一定期間本サービスを利用しなかった場合。
    5. その他当サイトが不適切だと判断した場合。

4. 禁止事項
  1. ユーザーは、本サービスを利用するに際し、以下のような法律違反行為を行うことを禁止します。
    1. 著作権、特許権等の知的財産権を侵害する行為。
    2. プライバシーを侵害する行為。
    3. 名誉毀損行為、侮辱行為や、他者・DN Media Australia Pty Ltdの業務妨害となる行為。
    4. 詐欺行為。
    5. 不正アクセス行為の防止等に関する法律に違反する行為。
    6. その他日本及びオーストラリアの犯罪に関わる行為、あるいは法令に違反する行為。    
   b. ユーザーは、本サービスを利用するに際し、以下のような社会的に不適切な行為を行うことを
  •    i.  人種、民族、信条、性別、年齢、社会的身分、居住場所、身体的特徴、病歴、教育、
  •    財産及び収入等を根拠にする差別的表現行為。
  •    ii.   倫理的に問題がある低俗、有害、下品な行為、他人に嫌悪感を与える内容の情報を開示する行為。
  •    iii.  ポルノ、売春、性風俗営業、これらに関連する内容の情報を開示する行為。
  •    iv. その他、公序良俗に反するかあるいは社会的に不適切な行動と解される行為。

   c.   ユーザーは、本サービスを利用するに際し、以下のような本サービス利用上不適切な行為を


      i. 宣伝や商用を目的とした広告・アフェリエイトなどへの勧誘、その他の行為。

      ii. ただし、当サイトが認めている場合はその限りではありません。


      iv. 同一の内容を重複して投稿する行為。なお、異なるサービスやカテゴリに投稿したとしても


5. 当サイトの削除権
  1. 当サイトは、本規約に違反する行為が行なわれたと判断した場合、あるいは第三者の権利を侵害、
  2.  問題の投稿を繰り返すユーザーに関しては、当サイトへのアクセスや投稿に制限をかける権利を保有します。

6. 各サービスの諸注意点



        勧誘広告を原則許可します。 ただし、以下の投稿は禁止いたします。

  1.  単なるWebサイトの宣伝
  2.  対象となる地域がオーストラリアでない投稿
  3.  当サイトが不適切であると判断する投稿





  1.  本サービスの「フォーラム」は、これからオーストラリア、ビクトリア州に来る人や
    情報交換としてではなく、単に議論の場になっているトピック (特にネガティブなもの)は、
    があります。なお、ND モードに設定されたトピックは、30日間返信がないと自動的に削除されます。
  2.  「フォーラム」は、自分がおもしろいと思った情報を紹介し合い、情報共有やコミュニケーションを
    1. 出会い系サイト、わいせつな画像・動画・情報が掲載されているサイト、性風俗に関するサイト
    2. 単なる企業サイト、ECサイトの商品やサービス紹介のページ、アフィリエイトが主要な目的であるサイト
    3. 当サイトの主旨や本サービスの目的にそぐわないと判断されるサイト

7. 著作権

  1.  当サイトに投稿された内容や写真の著作権は、投稿者本人に帰属するものとします。
8. 免責
  1.  本サービスをご利用になる場合には、インターネットにアクセスしていただく必要があります。
    一切関与せず、これらの準備、操作に関する責任を負いませ ん。
  2.  本サービスは、Cookie および JavaScriptの機能を利用しており、それらの機能が利用可能な
    環境でのご利用を前提としています。ユーザー側で、これらの機能を無効することがで きますが、
  3.  本サービス内、「クラシファイド」「フォーラム」に開示されている情報の大部分はユーザー
  4.  当サイトは、本サービスを監視する義務を負いませんが、本規約に反する、あるいは
  5. システムトラブル等により生じる損害については、当サイトは何ら責任を負わないものとします。

9. 付記

  • 2016年10月1日 改定


Terms of service

Use of the service (hereinafter referred to as 'this service') provided by Dengon Net (hereinafter referred to as 'this site') shall be in accordance with the following terms of service (hereinafter referred to as 'these terms'). Within this service, there are disclaimers and notes that are not stated in these terms.

In addition, use of this service signifies your acceptance of the contents of these terms. These terms are subject to change without notification, and you should always read these terms prior to use of this service. If, after a change has occurred, you continue to use the contents of this site, then it shall be deemed that you accept the terms as changed.

1. The purpose of this service

The purpose of this service is to provide opportunities for people already living in Victoria, those with an interest in Victoria, and those who plan on coming to Victoria, relating to collecting and sharing of information, guidance, and cultural exchange.

2. Definition of 'user'

a. A 'user' of this service refers to general users as well as those who carry out the registration as stated in the below mentioned terms.

b. A general user is an individual who can use the services without registering according to the below mentioned terms.

3. User registration

a. User registration is completed when the prescribed form is filled in with the necessary information, sent through and approved by this site.

b. Upon registration, posts on the 'Classifieds' and 'Forum' pages may be entered.

c. Except in the case where explicit permission has been granted by this site, each user may only hold one (1) account.

d. Usernames and passwords are for personal use and the transfer of and lending of is prohibited.
e. Should any of the following offences occur on this site, then at the discretion of the company a person who's user registration has been either approved or not yet approved may have their user registration removed, and as a user you may be refused any future use of this service.

i.    If a user breaks any regulation as stipulated in these terms.
ii.    If contents of a user registration is found to be false.
iii.    If changes are made to a user registration but the actual user did not make the changes.
iv.    If the user doesn't use this service for a certain period of time, regardless if the user is registered.
v.    If anything else is deemed inappropriate by this site.

4. Prohibited items

a. When using this service, users are prohibited from violating any of the following laws.

i.    Infringements of intellectual rights such as copyrights, patent rights, etc.
ii.    Violation of privacy
iii.    Defamation, insults, or anything that will interfere with the business of DN Media Australia Pty Ltd or other companies.
iv.    Fraudulent activity
v.    Violation of the Prevention of Unauthorised Access Act
vi.    Any other criminal actions or violations of Japanese or Australian law.

b. When using this service, users are prohibited from committing any of the following socially inappropriate behaviour.

i.    Any expressions of discrimination such as race, ethnicity, religion, gender, age, social status, place of residence, physical characteristics, medical history, education, property, income, etc.
ii.    Disclosure of any information that could be unethically vulgar, harmful, indecent, or cause disgust towards another person.
Disclosure of any information relating to pornography, prostitution, or the sex industry.
iii.    Any other actions that violate public policy or are construed as socially inappropriate behaviour.

c. When using this service, users are prohibited from committing any actions deemed inappropriate to this service.
i.    Advertising or other acts of solicitation for promotion or business purposes. However, this does not apply in the instance that this site has approved such actions.
ii.    Any act of writing content deemed unsuitable to the intentions of this site and the purpose of this service.
iii.    Posting duplicate posts containing the same content. In addition, should the same posts be placed on a different service or category, it will still be counted as duplicate posts.

d. Users are prohibited from committing any of the abovementioned actions, or any other actions as deemed inappropriate by this site.

5. This site's deletion rights

a. This site holds the rights to take steps to immediately delete, change, or move all and any contents that are deemed to violate any of these terms, or violate or attempt to violate the rights of any third party, without prior notice to the user.

b. This site holds the rights to limit access to posts or access to this site if a user repeats the post in question.

6. Various considerations for each service

a. Please not that while paying attention to the accuracy of descriptions, some sections may include parts that have outdated information.

b. If the same contents are posted on the 'classifieds' and 'forum' pages, then one of the posts will be removed.

c. As mentioned above in '4. Prohibited items' section c.-i., 'Advertising or other acts of solicitation for promotion or business purposes' is prohibited, however in principle, posts for personal relating to advertising and soliciting of housing, tutoring or events are allowed. However, the following posts are prohibited.

i.    Advertising for a different website
ii.    Posts relating to anywhere outside of Australia
iii.    Any posts deemed inappropriate by this site.
However, this does not apply to any such actions that this site has approved of. If any of the abovementioned rules are violated, the post will be removed without contacting the author.
iv.    In principle, any posts made by commercial organizations on the 'classifieds' page are prohibited. Please use the 'Machinavi' service.
v.    Up to three (3) posts of 1-month in length are allowed on the 'free classifieds' page.

If any of the abovementioned rules are violated, the post will be removed without contacting the author.

d. The 'forum' of this service has been developed and is operating as a common place for people who are intending to come to Victoria, Australia, or those who live in Victoria to share information and help each other. Any topics that a purely for discussion (especially those of a negative nature), rather than for sharing of information, will be removed. Also, there are times when topics are always back listed. (This setting is called ND mode.) In addition, topics set in ND mode that have no reply within 30 days will be automatically removed.

e. The purpose of the 'forum' is for people to introduce information they think is interesting, and enjoy information sharing and communication. Any posts that violate this purpose or include any of the follow site URLs are prohibited and will be removed with no prior contact.

i.    Dating websites, websites that publish obscene images, movies or information, or any sex-related websites.
ii.    Corporate websites, pages introducing goods or services of e-commerce websites, or websites with a main purpose of affiliation.
iii.    Any website deemed unsuitable to the intentions of this site and the purpose of this service.

7. Copyright

a. The copyright of content, photos, etc. of posts shall belong to the person who posted it. However, the content of these may be published to other media without prior notice to the author. This site holds the right to the usage of all content.

8. Exemption of liability

a. In order to utilize this service, internet access is required. The user must take their own responsibility and cover costs to acquire the required machines, software or communication, and properly install and operate them. This site has no involvement in the user's own preparation for obtaining internet access, or any responsibility related to the preparation and operation of these.

b. This service has Cookies and JavaScript capability, and we assume an environment where these capabilities can be used is available. On the part of the user, these capabilities can be disabled, however please not that this may cause the services on this website to not work normally. Also, this site shall not be liable for any damages that arise from using this site without using these capabilities.

c. The majority of information disclosed on the 'classifieds' and 'forum' sections of this service are posted by users. The judgment of the trustworthiness and accuracy of posted content is entirely the individual's responsibility, and this website will take no responsibility for any damages caused for any reason as a result of posted content.

d.  This website has no obligation to monitor this service, however, should a violation or any related action or information disclosure occur, the relevant information may be deleted or moved, and the user who conducted the relevant actions may have their account removed. In this instance, the user cannot file an objection against the company's handling of such matters.

e. This site shall not be liable for any damages caused by incidents such as system trouble. Also, this site will not be liable for restoring any registered data that may be lost.

9. Appendix
Last revised 1/6/2011