温かな空間でごゆるりと-Uncle St.Kilda(2015年9月号)

小さなカフェやレストランがびっしりと軒を連ねるBalaclavaのCarlisle St. とChapel St. の交差点近くに、1階はbar、2階がレストランと屋上ガーデンを兼ねた、ベトナム料理店UNCLEがある。狭い間口の見逃してしまいそうなドアを開け2階に上がると、自然光がたっぷり入るスッキリとした空間が広がっていた。セットされたお皿は、手作りの素朴な形にモダンな色使いで内装とピッタリ。どんな料理が出てくるのか、胸が弾んだ。

季節ごとにメニューが替わるが、今回は季節を問わず人気の定番料理をいただいた。まずは緑の葉にココナッツの白とざくろの赤が映える前菜、Lime cured hapuka, coconut, pomegrante, chilli on betel leaf。可憐な姿に手を付けるのがためらわれるが、葉っぱごとパクリと頬張る。すると、ココナッツ特有のコク、チリの辛味、燻製魚の塩気とザクロの酸味が渾然一体となった複雑な味が口いっぱいに広がった。シャキシャキした歯ごたえも良く、コッテリなのにサッパリとしたユニークな一品。

Lime cured hapuka, coconut, pomegrante, chilli on betel leaf

Lime cured hapuka, coconut, pomegrante, chilli on betel leaf   $5.5 ea

続いてベトナム料理を代表する麺Pho。ここはミニとラージの2サイズが用意してあり、今回は牛肉ののったPho bo miniをオーダー。ツルツル喉越しの良い麺の下にも、牛肉がゴロゴロ入っていてビックリ。Phoを食べたらお腹がいっぱいで他の料理が食べられないことがあるが、このミニサイズなら他の料理を楽しむこともできるし、最後のシメにも丁度良いのがうれしい。また、子供用にミニサイズをオーダーする人も多いとか。

Pho bo mini

Pho bo mini   $7

食欲をそそる香りと共に登場したのは、Work tossed Spanish mackerel, steamed rice rolls w/ holy basil and XO butter。カリッと香ばしく焼かれた鰆(サワラ)と、韓国お餅トッポギのような、見た目のムッチリとしたライスペーパーの蒸し物に、濃厚なXOバターソースが絡み合ったひと皿は、病み付きになりそうな味わい。どんな飲み物とも合いそうだが、ライチやレモングラスなどを使った、この店オリジナルのアイスティーとの相性が抜群なので、是非お試しを。

Work tossed Spanish mackerel, steamed rice rolls w/ holy basil and XO butter

Work tossed Spanish mackerel, steamed rice rolls w/ holy basil and XO butter   $33

最後は、Chocolate chilli ganache, coconut ice cream, almond milk granita。濃厚なチョコレート・ガナッシュと湯葉チップの塩気、ココナッツのコク、そして後味に微かに感じるチリが絶妙なバランス。正直、チリチョコは苦手なのでドキドキしたが、気が付けばペロリと完食していた。

Chocolate chilli ganache, coconut ice cream, almond milk granita

Chocolate chilli ganache, coconut ice cream, almond milk granita   $12



Carlisle St in Balaclava is packed with little cafes and restaurants, and near where it intersects with Chapel St is ‘Uncle,’ a Vietnamese place with a bar on the first floor, a restaurant on the second floor, and a rooftop garden. I go through the inconspicuous doorway in the narrow shopfront and up to the second floor, and a cleanly-designed interior full of natural light opens up before me. The tableware is simple and handmade but in modern colours, an excellent match for the decor. I’m excited to see what sort of food will be offered. 

The menu does change seasonally, but today I choose some dishes that are popular standards all year round. First I eat an appetiser of ‘Lime cured hapuka, coconut, pomegranate, chilli on betel leaf’. The red of the pomegranate stands out against the green leaf and white coconut. I hesitate to tamper with such a lovely arrangement, but nevertheless I pop a leaf into my mouth. The result is a complex harmony of flavours, combining the distinctive richness of coconut, the heat of chilli, the saltiness of smoked fish, and the tartness of pomegranate. The crunchy texture is also appealing in this unique, rich yet refreshing dish. 

Next I have Vietnam’s most famous noodle dish, pho. Here you can choose from ‘mini’ or ‘large’; today I order a mini ‘Pho bo’. I’m surprised by how much beef there is beneath the tasty noodles. Sometimes when I’ve eaten pho I haven’t been able to fit in anything else, but with this mini size I think I could still enjoy other dishes. I suspect many people order the mini size for their children, too. 

Next, accompanied by an appetising aroma, arrives the ‘Wok tossed Spanish mackerel, steamed rice rolls with holy basil and XO butter’. The rich XO butter sauce combines with the crispy sauteed Spanish mackerel and the plump steamed rice paper rolls to make an addictive-tasting dish. It would go well with any drink, but I recommend you try it with one of the restaurant’s original iced teas flavoured with lychee or lemongrass. 

Last I order the ‘Chocolate chilli ganache, coconut ice cream, almond milk granita’. Rich chocolate ganache, salty bean curd chips, the distinctive flavour of coconut, and a subtle aftertaste of chilli are in perfect balance. To be honest, I don’t usually like chilli-chocolate combinations so I’m nervous to try this, but before I know it I’ve eaten the lot. 

It is a welcoming, relaxing space here, and the service is friendly too   perfect for an place called ‘Uncle.’ I think it’s you could enjoy taking friends, family, or anyone here. Gochisosama deshita. 

UNCLE St. Kilda
188 Carlisle St. St. Kilda
03 9041 2668
Open: Tues 5pm - Late
    Wed-Sun 12pm - Late