気分は遠く彼方のフランスへ - Hell of the North(2018年12月号)

 以前から気になっていたレストランがある。賑やかなSmith St.から少し横道に入ったところにあるその店は、ブルーストーンの建物に黄色のドアが目印のフレンチ料理店「Hell of the North」。「Hell of the North」と言えば、フランス北部のParis - Roubaix間およそ260kmを1日で走破する過酷な自転車ロードレースのこと。自転車レースとどんな繋がりがあるのだろう? と思いながら、ドアを押し開けた。スッキリとしながらも木のぬくもりを感じる店内には、至る所に過酷なレースの模様を伝える写真が飾ってある。なんでも、店の内装工事が大変なことからレースを思い出し、店名にしたそう。今回は、ビストロ系のメニューの中から定番料理を中心にいただいた。

 Hell of the North

まずは今の季節にピッタリ、見た目にも涼しげなCured Kingfish, Apple, Cucumber。キングフィッシュだけだと、コリコリさっぱりとした味わいの刺身だが、発酵させ酸味の増したリンゴ、キュウリと一緒に食べると、あら不思議。食材の相乗効果で、キングフィッシュは甘みと旨味が増し、酸っぱかったリンゴはマイルドになったではないか。組み合せの妙を楽しむ料理。スターターにもってこいのひと皿。

Cured Kingfish, Apple, Cucumber
Cured Kingfish, Apple, Cucumber $25

そして、フレンチビストロの定番Beef Tartare。生肉だから臭みがあるのではと思いながら口に運ぶ。牛肉の甘みを感じる繊細な味で、臭みなどまったくないことにビックリ。調理法や味付けがシンプルなだけに、肉自体のおいしさはもちろん、肉の旨味がピークになった頃合いを見極める料理人の目がものを言う料理だ。付け添えのチップスにのせ、食べ出したら止まらない。赤ワインと一緒に。

Beef Tartare
Beef Tartare $24

食欲をそそる香りと共に登場したのはMilawa Chicken, Smoked Potato, Jus de Cuisson。 ふっくらした鶏肉に、肉の焼き汁を使ったソースをたっぷり絡めていただく。間違いなしに相性抜群なのだが、そこにスモーキーな風味のマッシュポテトが加わるだけで、ぐっとオリジナルで奥行きのある味わいに。結構なボリュームがあるので、女性なら2人でシェアしても良いかもしれない。

Milawa Chicken, Smoked Potato, Jus de Cuisson
Milawa Chicken, Smoked Potato, Jus de Cuisson $36

デザートには私の大好きなCrème Brûlée。クレームブリュレは、どの店も見た目に大きな違いはないが、口に含むとそれぞれ違いがはっきり表れるのがおもしろい。ここのは、ほろ苦く薄めのカラメルに、トロリと滑らかでコクがあるのにあっさりとしたクリームが特徴。メニューには、シャープな香りの二段階熟成シェリーと合わせるがお勧めとのことなので、興味のある方は是非お試しを。

Crème Brûlée
Crème Brûlée $16



Taking you on a journey to France

There’s a French restaurant in Fitzroy I’ve been interested in for a little while now. Hell of the North sits just off Smith Street and is recognisable from its yellow door set into a bluestone building. To those into cycling, the name will be familiar – it’s the nickname for the annual Paris-Roubaix road race, which covers 260km in one day. Its connection to a restaurant, though? Apparently, that’s because the interior’s construction was so difficult that it reminded them of the punishing race. Of course, there are photos from the event all around the venue too. For our visit, we tried a few of the ‘must-have’ items from their bistro menu. 

First up came the Cured Kingfish, Apple and Cucumber. Perfect for this season, the fish itself was firm and light in taste, but eating it with the pickled apple and cucumber was the real shock. The synergy between the various tastes and textures meant the Kingfish gained in both sweetness and umami, while the apple, which was sour thanks to the pickling, became milder. It’s the perfect starter, and one where you can really enjoy the different taste and texture combinations on offer. 

Next up, the bistro favourite – Beef Tartare. We initially thought it might smell a little, thanks to the raw meat, but upon trying it, we discovered our worries were completely unfounded. The sweetness and other delicate flavours of the beef came shining through, and no off-putting odours came off the plate at all. Simply-prepared and seasoned, the deliciousness of the meat, and the levels of umami, speak of the care the chef has put into selecting meat that’s aged to perfection. Eaten with the accompanying chips, you just can’t stop enjoying it. Best with a glass of red. 

The Milawa Chicken, Smoked Potato and Jus de Cuisson arrived in a cloud of appetising aromas. We cut into the plump chicken and enjoyed it with a generous serving of the sauce, which includes the juices from the chicken itself. The taste combination is exceptional, but adding the smoky mashed potato adds another level of depth and originality. It’s quite a large dish, so for those with small appetites, it may be best shared between two. 

Dessert came in the form of a personal fave - Crème Brûlée. Obviously, this dish looks pretty much the same no matter where you go, but the fun is in discovering the differences in taste and texture between establishments. Here you get a thin, slightly bitter layer of caramel, and a smooth, thick and richly-flavoured cream that somehow manages to be light at the same time. The menu recommends eating it with one of their sherries, so we’d definitely recommend trying one for those interested.  

Hell of the North is the kind of French restaurant where you can enjoy delicious food without the formal atmosphere, so is perfect for meals with friends or a date. During December, it’s closed on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and Boxing Day, but Fridays it opens for lunch. However, between Boxing Day and New Year, it’s only open for dinner. Gotchisousamadeshita. 


Hell of the North
135 Greeves St, Fitzroy
03 9417 6660
Wed・Thu: 5pm-late, Fri・Sat: 5pm-1am,
Sat: 12pm-1am, Sun: 12pm-late