1人でも、大人数でも楽しめる小皿料理の店-Casa Ciuccio(2014年1月号)

個性的なショップやカフェ、レストランなどが軒を連ねるGertrude St. を、Royal Exhibition Buildingに向かって歩いていくと、愛嬌のあるロバが目印の地中海料理をベースにした料理が楽しめる店『Casa Ciuccio』が現れる。 どんな料理と出会えるのか。期待に胸膨らませ入店した。

Casa Ciuccio

まずは小皿3品。サックリしたパンにアンチョビとシンプルな組み合わせのAnchovy montaditoは、しっかりした味なのでガツンときつめのお酒と相性が良さそう。見た目に美しいYellow fin tuna ‘a la gallega’は、じゃが芋、ソース、ツナの3つの素材のバランスが絶妙でライトな口当たり。軽めのワインと合わせたい。一見しただけでは正体が分からない真っ黒のコロッケSquid croquetaは、外側のサクッとした食感と中のモッチリした食感、そして時々感じるイカのコリッとした食感の違いが技ありで、どんなドリンクとも合いそう。

Anchovy montadito $5ea +Yellow fin tuna ‘a la gallega’ $4ea+ Squid croqueta $4ea

香ばしい香りと共に登場したのが、Grilled Spencer Gulf king prawn + smoked chilliとTwice cooked octopus tentacle。King prawnは、シンプルな調理法で海老の旨みがグッと引き出された一品。ほんのりスモーキーでプリプリした身は、食べ応えがあって満足度が高く、華やかな見た目は、お食事気分を盛り上げてくれること間違いなし。

Grilled Spencer Gulf King prawn + smoked chilli

Grilled Spencer Gulf King prawn + smoked chilli $7ea

Octopus tentacleは、白い皿に横たわる大きなタコ足が、美しいような、グロテスクなような、エロチックのような…インパクトのあるひと皿。見た目とは裏腹にやわらかい食感と、マリネすることで生み出す奥行きのある味わいにビックリするはず。

Twice cooked octopus tentacle

Twice cooked octopus tentacle  $10 per 100g

数名で来た時には、1/2 Free range Thirlmere chicken ‘pil pil’ を。炭と果物の木でじっくり時間をかけて調理された、スモーキーでムッチリとした鶏肉は、ほのかにアニスの香りするソースと一緒にいただいて。ちなみに、pil pilとは、オリーブオイル、にんにく、チリ、魚や肉を一緒に焼き煮したスペイン料理のこと。ソースもしっかり味わうのがポイント。

1/2 Free range Thirlmere chicken ‘pil pil’

1/2 Free range Thirlmere chicken ‘pil pil’  $35

そんなpil pilのお供は、豆のホクッとした食感ときゅうりやセロリなどのパリパリした食感が楽しいBroad beans, cucumber, mint + labnehがお勧め。チリのピリピリとミントの爽やかさが効いたサッパリしたサラダは、箸休めにピッタリ。

Broad beans, cucumber, mint + labneh

Broad beans, cucumber, mint + labneh $14



Gertrude St is lined with idiosyncratic shops, cafes and restaurants. Walking up it towards the Royal Exhibition Building, I come to ‘Casa Ciuccio’, marked by a charming picture of a donkey. Here is a place where you can enjoy Mediterranean-inspired cuisine... I wonder what sort of food I will encounter here? Full of anticipation, I step inside. 


First are three small appetizers. ‘Anchovy montadito’, a simple combination of light bread with anchovies, has a strong flavour so would probably go well with an equally strong sake. The beautiful ‘Yellow fin tuna a la gallega’ has a light flavour, with its three components of potato, sauce and tuna exquisitely balanced. I would match it with a light wine. The ‘Squid croqueta’ is a midnight-black croquette which you can’t appreciate by only looking; but with a crunchy outside, chewy inside, and occasional differences in texture from the squid, it’s pretty decent. Would likely go with any drink. 

Accompanied by a wonderful aroma, out comes the ‘Grilled Spencer Gulf king prawn & smoked chilli’ and the ‘Twice cooked octopus tentacle’. The king prawn is seasoned simply but in a way that truly brings out its flavour. The slightly smokey, tender flesh is very filling, and its spectacular appearance is sure to stimulate the appetite. The large octopus tentacle spread out across a white plate certainly leaves an impression   somehow beautiful, grotesque, even erotic... You’re sure to be surprised by how soft its texture is, despite appearances, and how deep its flavour is thanks to the marinade. 

If coming with several people, try the ‘1/2 Free range Thirlmere chicken pil pil’   plump chicken, well-smoked with fruit wood and eaten with a faintly anise-scented sauce. Pil pil, by the way, is a Spanish dish made with olive oil, garlic, chilli, and fish or meat, sauteed and simmered together. It also has a strongly-flavoured sauce. To go with the pil pil, I recommend the ‘Broad beans, cucumber, mint & labneh’, which has enjoyable texture contrasts of soft broad beans with crunchy celery and cucumber. This refreshing, minty salad would offset the chilli nicely, and is perfect as a palate cleanser. 

Casa Ciuccio’s casual, cafe-like atmosphere means you could easily make a spontaneous visit on your own. There’s bright space near the entrance, counters inside from which you can see the kitchen, and a function room on the second floor; one of this restaurant’s charms is its different spaces for different occasions and size of group. Once you know about this place, you’ll be sure to make use of it. Thanks for the meal. 

Casa Ciuccio
15 Gertrude St. Fitzroy
Tue-Thu 12- 11pm
Fri・Sat 12pm-1am