さまざまな国の料理が楽しめるこの土地で、新たに定着しつつある韓国料理。Korean Fried Chicken専門店はいたるところにあるし、カフェでもキムチを使った料理がさり気なく登場している。驚いたのは、郊外のスーパーマーケットでキムチが売られていたこと。これは韓国食材が一般に浸透してきた証拠。そこで、雰囲気もあって味も良いと評判の韓国料理店Guhmgに足を運んだ。
韓国料理と言えば辛いものを想像しがちだが、まずは辛くないVegetable japchaeから。サツマイモ澱粉から作られる、独特な弾力のある春雨が、ほんのり甘くやさしい味に仕上がっている。ごま油の風味も良く、食べ出したら止まらない。店によっては、甘過ぎたりするのだが、ここのは甘さもごま油の量も丁度良くあっさりしていて食べやすい。ちなみにチャプチェは、祭りや正月、誕生日などの祝い事に欠かせない料理だとか。
Vegetable japchae $15
続いて、韓国版お好み焼きといった感じのKimuchi jeon。サックリした食感と、キムチのピリ辛味はビールのお供にもピッタリ。そしてうれしいことに、この料理は冷めてもおいしい。これでおしゃべりに夢中になっているうちに、料理が冷めてしまったなんて残念な思いをしなくて済む。ちなみに、日本ではチヂミと呼ばれるこの料理、チヂミというのは韓国では方言で、煎(ジョン)というのが一般的だそう。
Kimuch jeon $15
見るからに辛そうなSeafood tteokbokki。海鮮から出た旨みを含んだ甘辛のソースが、細長い棒状の餅と海鮮に絡んで濃厚な味わい。ご飯がどんどん進みそう。結構な辛さでありながら、甘味もあるので「辛い、辛い」と言いながら、きれいに平らげてしまった。韓国では、ストリートフードとしても人気で、おやつとしてもよく食べられているとか。シーフードの他にも、チーズトッポキなんて気になるメニューもあるので、次回に試してみよう。
Seafood tteokbokki $22
Charcoal BBQ Gal-bi $29
どの料理も、食べたらジワジワ体が元気になっていく感じ。選ぶのに迷ったら、BBQ SetやBanquetをオーダーしても良いかも。お腹いっぱい食べても、胃もたれしないのが、韓国料理の良いところ。食べるものはすべて薬になるという考えが根底にあるからだ。この店は、プライベートルーム、VIPラウンジも完備しているので、デートや友達同士、家族での食事の他、グループやパーティーでも使えそう。チャルモゴッスムニダ(ごちそうさまでした)。
Receiving the gift of energy
Even among the many cuisines you can sample here in Melbourne, Korean food is one of the fastest growing in popularity. From the ubiquitous Korean Fried Chicken shops to cafes starting to serve dishes with kimchi, it's been quietly building its presence. What most shocked me was recently seeing kimchi on sale in suburban supermarkets - evidence that Korean ingredients are truly starting to become mainstream. It's within that context I decided to try Guhmg, a restaurant well regarded for its food and atmosphere.
When we think of Korean food, we tend to imagine spicy dishes, but our meal started with a non-spicy Vegetable Japchae. Made using sweet potato starch, the uniquely firm vermicelli noodles are seasoned to create a delicately sweet flavour, complemented by sesame seed oil. Once you start eating, you can't stop. Some restaurants make Japchae too sweet, but here, the sweetness and sesame oil balance is just right and it feels refreshing. By the way, did you know Japchae is a must for any birthday, New Year or other celebration in Korea?
The next dish was something akin to a Korean okonomiyaki - Kimuchi Jeon. The crunchy texture and spice from the kimchi make this a perfect beer snack. Even better, it's still delicious when it's cold. We say this as sometimes you can be so busy chatting you forget to eat, and while this normally renders the food inedible, that's not the case here.
The Seafood Tteokbokki that followed was as spicy as it looked. A sweet and spicy sauce, containing umami from the seafood, mixes with the long, thin mochi to give a rich flavour that goes perfectly with rice. Because there's sweetness to counterbalance the heat, while you keep saying, "Hot! Hot!', you end up polishing off the lot. In Korea, Tteobokki is a popular street food or part of a regular dinner. On top of seafood, there's a Cheese Teopokki, which we'll have to try next time.
Finally, we tried the Gal-bi from Guhmg's famous charcoal BBQ menu. The marinated meat is served on the bone and the staff cook it for you at the table. This allows you to enjoy the sizzle and delicious aromas that come wafting off it. Thanks to a good proportion of fat, the resulting dish is tender and we can understand why it is a popular item on the menu. You can flavour yours further with a choice of sweet soy, salt and pepper blend or chilli miso too. We were in heaven and ate every slice. Personally, I loved the little palate-cleansing bowls between courses, too.
No matter what dish we tried, each made us feel energetic. And if you're lost as to what to order, try the BBQ Set or Banquet. Even if you feel full afterwards, the great thing about Korean food is that you don't feel heavy. This stems from the belief that everything you eat is a form of medicine. The fact Guhmg has private rooms and a VIP lounge means it can also be used for group events and parties. Jal meogeotseumnida (gotchisousama deshita).
19 McKillop St. Melbourne
03 9041 2192
Mon - Fri: 12 - 2:30pm
Mon - Thu ・ Sun: 6 - 11pm
Fri ・ Sat: 6pm - late
W: guhngkorean.com