
Collingwoodから Northcoteへと伸びるHigh Streetに、 Westgarthと呼ばれる地域がある。映画館として使われている1920年代の建物や、個性的な小さな店が立ち並び、小規模ながら雰囲気のあるエリアだ。そこにある店のひとつが、オランダ系のバックグランドを持つRobさんと、ヨーロッパや日本でシェフとしての経験のあるBronwynさん夫妻が営む、安らぎと温かみのあるモダンヨーロッパ料理店Merricote。今月で5周年を迎えるこの店のお勧めメニューをいただいた。


食欲をそそる香りと共にPort Arlington Mussels and Chorizo Piperadeが登場。濃厚なトマトソースに、チョリゾやマッスルの旨みが絡んだ複雑な味わいは、どんなお酒とも相性が良さそう。カリッと焼かれたパンにのせて食べれば、食感の違いも楽しい。缶に入ったプレゼンテーションもかわいらしく、お食事気分を盛り上げるスターターにピッタリのひと皿。

Port Arlington Mussels and Chorizo Piperade

Port Arlington Mussels and Chorizo Piperade  $12

続いては、スライスされたネクタリンとラディッシュが降り積もったような美しい盛り付けに、思わず歓喜の声を上げてしまったSmoked Eel, Nectarine, Creme Fraiche。ほんのりスモーキーなウナギは青魚のようで、ネクタリンのピューレやクリームとも相性が良いのにビックリ。「ウナギといえば蒲焼き」的なイメージを覆すこと間違いなし。この料理に「良く合うのよ」と出されたお酒は、意外なことに古代米の赤米から作られたロゼワインのような伊根満開という日本酒。是非、一緒にお試しを。

Smoked Eel, Nectarine, Creme Fraiche

Smoked Eel, Nectarine, Creme Fraiche   $22

メインは、牛肉が2つの形で楽しめるWarialda Beef Chuck, Braised Shin, Rye, Scorched Salad。レアにローストされた肉は、柔らかく、肉本来の味が楽しめる。サックリとした衣を纏ったすね肉は、ちょっぴりコロッケを思い出させる。玉ねぎの甘味がギュッと凝縮されたピューレとライ麦の粒々感が、肉の味と食感をより引き立てている。ヨーロッパな料理なのに、日本人の私がなぜかホッとする味わいになっている魅惑の一品。

Warialda Beef Chuck, Braised Shin, Rye, Scorched Salad

Warialda Beef Chuck, Braised Shin, Rye, Scorched Salad  $34

最後はオランダ語で落ちたレモンタルトという意味のGevallen Citroen Taart。レモンメレンゲタルトの変形版といった感じだが、リコリッシュのゼリーが入っているところがオランダちっく。個人的にリコリッシュは香りが強くて苦手だったが、ここのは微かに香る程度で、特徴のある甘い香りが良いアクセントになっていた。

‘Gevallen Citroen Taart’

‘Gevallen Citroen Taart’  $16



There is a suburb called Westgarth which is crossed by the High St that runs from Collingwood to Northcote. With a 1920s building used as a cinema and a row of unique little shops, Westgarth has a real ambience despite its small size. One of the shops there is modern European restaurant Merricote, a warm and tranquil place run by a married couple. Rob has a Dutch background, and Bronwyn has experience as a chef in Europe and Japan. I try some of the recommended dishes at Merricote, which this month celebrated its fifth year in business. 

‘Port Arlington Mussels and Chorizo Piperade’ arrives, accompanied by an appetising aroma. The delicious chorizo and mussels covered in a rich tomato sauce form a complex flavour that would go with any sort of drink. When eaten on top of the crisp toasted bread, there is an enjoyable contrast of textures too. Its presentation   in a tin   is cute too; this dish is a perfect starter to get you in the mood for a meal. 

Next is ‘Smoked Eel, Nectarine, Creme Fraiche’, the sliced nectarine and radish are arranged beautifully. I make a delighted noise despite myself. The subtly smokey eel is rather like blue-fish, and I’m surprised at how well it goes with the nectarine puree and creme fraiche. It certainly disproves the idea the eel is always oily. The drink recommended to me for matching with this dish was unexpectedly a sake, resembling rose wine called Ine Mankai, made from an ancient variety of red rice. It’s definitely a pairing to try.

The main dish I tried was ‘Warialda Beef Chuck, Braised Shin, Rye, Scorched Salad’, which allows the diner to enjoy two forms of beef. The rare roast chuck is tender and full of meaty flavour, while the shank with its crispy coating recalls the texture of a croquette. The concentrated sweetness of the onion puree and the graininess of the rye further bring out the taste and texture of the meat. Though it’s European food, this fascinating dish has a somehow comforting flavour to this Japanese diner. 

Last is the ‘Gevallen Citroen Taart’, which means ‘lemon tart’ in Dutch. It seems like a variation on a lemon meringue pie, but the presence of liquorice jelly is very Dutch. Personally I’m not keen on the strong smell of liquorice, but here the aroma is subtle and its distinctive sweetness lends a pleasing accent to the dish. 

Merricote’s menu is based on seasonal ingredients, so it changes often, and like the ingredients the drinks are carefully selected. Perhaps this selectiveness is the secret of their confidence, stability, and serenity. Gochisosama deshita.


81 High St. Northcote
03 9939 4762
Lunch  Fri・Sat 12-2pm
Dinner  Tue-Sat 5:30-10pm