野菜の奥深い味わいを-Transformer Fitzroy (2015年8月号)

ここ数年間で、急速に近代化・商業化が進んだメルボルン。この近代化の波はCBD内だけに収まらず、近郊のサバーブにも広がっている。以前は、ちょっぴりラフで、どことなくボヘミアンな雰囲気が漂っていたFitzroyもそのひとつ。中心のBrunswick St. には、次々と小ぎれいな飲食店がオープンし、おすまし顔に変わりつつある。今回紹介するのは、メインストリートから少しそれた場所にあり、元々はハードウェアハウスだった建物を改装そた、ベジタリアンレストランTransformer Fitzroy。そこで、マネージャーのLydiaさんお勧めメニューをいただいた。


足を一歩店内に踏み入れると、ハードウェアハウスだったことを思わせる壁や梁が存在するものの、スッキリとして開放的な空間が広がっていた。自然光がたっぷり入る窓際の席を陣取り、まずはRicotta + rye gnocchi, organic sprouted lentils, pumpkin mousse, blueberry compote。色鮮やかなかぼちゃのムースやブルーベリーのコンポートは、素材の風味と優しい甘味がグッと引き立っていて、ホロホロした食感のリコッタチーズのニョッキにピッタリ。ほんのりとしたバターの塩気とのバランスも絶妙だ。全体の雰囲気としてはリコッタパンケーキに近いが、まったく別物で、今までにない感覚。味も見た目も可憐なので、女性受けすること間違いなし。

Ricotta + rye gnocchi

Ricotta + rye gnocchi   $15

続いて人気メニューのSpelt + seed steamed bun, crispy organic tofu,pickled cucumber + gochujang mayo。見るからに体に良さそうなモッチリとしたバンに、サックリとした衣をまとった豆腐やピリ辛のコチュジャン・マヨ、ハーブが見事にマッチ。辛味や酸味がバランス良く、食感の違いも楽しめるこの一品は、思ったより食べ応えあり。

Spelt + seed steamed bun

Spelt + seed steamed bun   $6 ea

メインは、Lydiaさんもお気に入りというSprouted brown rice + beetroot risotto, Asian mushrooms, herbed chevre + togarashi。ビートルート独特の色、大地の香り、かすかな甘さが染み込んだリゾットに、コリコリ歯ごたえがある旨みたっぷりのキノコと、ヤギのミルクで作ったチーズが渾然一体となっている。発芽玄米を使ったリゾットを始めて食べたが、普通のリゾット用のお米よりも存在感があって、私好みだった。コッテリ濃厚な味わいなのに、重くないのがうれしい。この季節にお勧めのひと皿。

Sprouted brown rice + beetroot risotto

Sprouted brown rice + beetroot risotto   $18



Modernisation and commercialisation has been progressing rapidly in Melbourne over the past few years, spreading beyond the CBD and into the suburbs. One of thesesuburbs  is Fitzroy, which in the past seemed vaguely bohemian and slightly rough. Brunswick Street , the heart of Fitzroy, has been putting on a more respectable face recently, with a succession of neat little restaurants opening up. The one we introduce today is the vegetarian restaurant ‘Transformer Fitzroy,’ just off the main street in a building that used to be an electrical transformer warehouse. There I try a selection of dishes recommended by the manager Lydia. 

Stepping inside I see that the walls and beams show the building’s warehouse origins but the space is elegant and open. I grab a seat by a window letting in lots of natural light, and start with ‘Ricotta and rye gnocchi, organic sprouted lentils, pumpkin mousse, blueberry compote.’ The flavours of the ingredients and a subtle sweetness are brought out in the brightly-coloured pumpkin mousse and the blueberry compote, which are perfect accompaniments to the melt-in-your-mouth ricotta gnocchi. The subtle saltiness of butter in the dish is superbly balanced too. As a whole it’s almost like a ricotta pancake, yet quite a separate thing that I’ve never experienced before. Sweet in both flavour and appearance, it’s sure to be a hit with the ladies. 

Next I have the very popular ‘Spelt and seed steamed bun, crispy organic tofu, pickled cucumber and gochujang mayo’. The chewy, healthy-looking bun is beautifully matched with the crispy-coated tofu, spicy gochujang mayo, and herbs. It has a good balance of salty and sour, an enjoyable mix of textures, and also is more filling than I expected. 

For the main I have Lydia’s favourite, ‘Sprouted brown rice and beetroot risotto, Asian mushrooms, herbed chevre and togarashi.’ In this faintly sweet risotto with the distinctive colour of beetroot and an earthy fragrance, the goats cheese harmonises wonderfully with the crunchy, flavoursome mushrooms. This was my first time eating a risotto made with sprouted brown rice, but it has more of a presence than regular risotto rice and I liked it. Despite its rich flavour, I was pleased to find it wasn’t heavy. A dish recommended for the season. 

In every dish at Transformer, the distinctive flavours of the ingredients are brought to life. Don’t be concerned by the apparent smallness of the portions; they’re actually quite filling. Anyone who thinks vegetarian food might not satisfy them should definitely try this place. Gochisosama deshita. 


Transformer Fitzroy
99 Rose St. Fitzroy
03 9419 2022
Open: Tues to Sun 8.30am 11pm