ウフフなパスタを召し上がれ- tipo 00(2015年4月号)

Melbourneでは、カジュアルな店から高級料理店まで、星の数ほどの店でパスタが提供されている。しかし、「自分で作った方が、おいしいかも」とか、「確かにおいしい。でも、パスタでこのお値段は…」というチョッピリ残念な店があるのも事実。自分ではなかなか作れないもので、おいしく、かつ値段的にも納得のいくパスタはないのか?  そんな声に応えるべく、昨年オープンしたパスタ・バーtipo 00に足を運んだ。

tipo 00


まずは、カルパッチョのSalmone。脂ののったサーモンに、レモンやイクラ、余り見ることのないケッパーベリーがのったひと皿。ちなみに、風蝶木(ふうちょうぼく)のつぼみがケッパーで、 その花の実がケッパーベリーと呼ばれるとのこと。すべてを一緒に食べると、酸味と同時に、まったく予想していなかった甘味が口に広がりビックリ。甘味の正体は、甘酸っぱく漬けられたレモン。濃厚な味わいながらも爽やかで、酸味と甘味、塩気のバランスが絶妙で、クセになりそう。

Salmone   $16

Salmone   $16

そして、店の売りであるパスタ。パスタを作る時に使用する小麦粉の番号を、そのまま店名にしていることからも、パスタに対する気合や意気込みを感じる。今回食べたのは、店のWebで作る工程を公開しているTagliolini al nero。自家製のイカ墨を練り込んだ黒いパスタに、イカの旨みと日本のカラスミのようなBottargaの塩気、チリとガーリックの風味が絡み合い渾然一体となっている。シンプルでありながら奥深い味わいと、フレッシュパスタ独特の食感が楽しめる一品。

Tagliolini al nero   $24

Tagliolini al nero   $24


Pannacotta   $14

Pannacotta   $14



In Melbourne there are countless restaurants serving pasta, from casual to fine dining. However it’s also true that some of them are a wee bit disappointing   where upon eating there, you think, ‘I could have made this tastier,’ or ‘it’s delicious   but this price, for pasta?!’ For those wondering where to go for pasta that you mightn’t be able to make yourself and is moreover delicious and reasonably priced, a pasta bar opened last year that fulfills these desires. It’s called ‘Tipo 00’, and I’m off to visit it. 

I arrive at 2:30pm, when I expect that lunchtime will be over and there will be few customers, but there are still some inside enjoying a relaxed lunch and sipping wine. 

First I have the ‘Salmone’: salmon carpaccio, topped with lemon, salmon roe, and rarely seen caper berries. (The buds of the caper bush are what we call capers, and the berries are called caper berries). Taking a bite the dish, I am surprised to find an unanticipated sweetness fill my mouth at the same time as the expected tartness. The origin of this flavour is the sour-sweet pickled lemon. Intensely flavoured yet refreshing, it has a superb balance of sweet, sour and salty that could prove addictive.

Next for the restaurant’s selling point: pasta. You can tell their enthusiasm for pasta here by the fact that the restaurant is named for the kind of flour used for pasta making. Today I try ‘Tagliolini al nero’, the making of which is featured on a video on the restaurant’s website. On homemade black squid-ink pasta is the umami of squid, the saltiness of bottarga (cured fish roe similar to Japan’s ‘karasumi’), chilli, and garlic, combined in perfect harmony. It is simple yet with depth of flavour, and this dish gives you a chance to enjoy the texture unique to fresh pasta. 

Lastly comes ‘Pannacotta’, a dessert I personally adore. If I see it on a menu I simply must order it, so I’ve eaten pannacotta at many different restaurants   still, I enjoy the little differences between them. The pannacotta here has the richness of cream enhanced by the subtle sweetness and flavour of honey, exceptionally well paired with sweet-tart berries. The texture is dense, rather than thin or jelly-like. The crunch and fragrance of toasted almonds is a good accent, too. Being a gorgeous-looking dessert, this one could be popular with the ladies. 

With its convenient CBD location, the food at Tipo 00 seems simple at first glance but actually has quite an art to it; moreover, there’s wine to go with the food, and the prices are fair. It could be a handy place for a fuss-free lunch or dinner. Next time, maybe I’ll take a friend and try some of the other pasta dishes that piqued my interested. Gochisosama deshita. 


tipo 00
361 Little Bourke St. Melbourne
03 9942 3946
Mon-Sat 11:30am-10pm