メルボルンに住んでいて“良いな”と思うこと - それは、思いがけない場所で、思いも寄らない出会いがあること。出会いの対象は、人や物、食べ物や飲み物、時に音楽や空間や香りであったりと、実にさまざま。そんな“良いな”を体感させてくれる店が、昨年、北欧スタイルのカクテルとつまみが楽しめるバーとして誕生した『duNORD』だ。今年3月には、メルボルンのメキシカンブームの立役者といわれるシェフMattiさんを迎え、本格的な料理も提供し始めた。そこで、ブリックの壁に木目が美しい家具、スッキリした空間でありながら温かみが漂う店内で、モダン北欧料理をいただいた。
まずは、おつまみとして人気のSmoked eel and acorn croquettes in popcorn。コロッケに鰻、しかもどんぐりが入っているなんて…と日本人の私にはちょっぴりドキドキだったが、サクッとした衣にスムーズなポテトのマッシュ、塩気の効いた鰻、そして初めて食べるどんぐりのコリッとした食感が調和した、スターターにピッタリのひと皿。
Smoked eel and acorn croquettes in popcorn $8
今回は少し欲張ってメインを2品。肉の分厚さに目が釘付けになるPressed pork loin, sorrel puree, sherry chard, scallion and walnut。最初に、クラッカーと呼ばれる皮の部分。自分で作るとパリパリとしかならないのに、ここのはパリパリサクサクした食感でビックリ。そしてジューシーな肉を、素材の滋味深い味がギュッと詰まったソースに絡めていただく。見た目のボリュームとは裏腹に、あっさりとしていて、すんなり完食できる。
Pressed pork loin, sorrel puree, sherry chard, scallion and walnut $26
女性が喜びそうな盛り付けのBlackberry glazed dry aged mutton, pea puree, forest berries and bergamot。クセが強そうでめったに口にしないマトンだが、軟らかく、クセというより肉の個性といった方がしっくりくる味わい。鮮やかなグリーンピースのピューレを合わせて食べると、不思議なことに豆の甘みがグーンと引き立ち、肉の旨みも引き出されてくる。この相乗効果は、素材のことを知り尽くしたプロだからできる業。
Blackberry glazed dry aged mutton, pea puree, forest berries and bergamot $28
I think I’m lucky to live in Melbourne, a city of unexpected meetings in unexpected places. These meetings are truly varied: people and places, food and drinks, or sometimes music, spaces, and scents. One place where you can really feel how lucky we are in this way is the restaurant duNORD, which opened last year as a Scandinavian-style bar serving cocktails and snacks. In March this year, duNORD welcomed chef Matti Fallon (a key player in Melbourne’s Mexican boom) into their fold, and began to offer a full-blown menu. There, in a refined but warm interior with brick walls and beautiful wooden furniture, I try some modern Nordic cuisine.
I begin with the popular ‘Smoked eel and acorn croquettes in popcorn’ from the ‘Nibbles’ section of the menu. Being Japanese, the combination of eel and acorns in a croquette makes my heart beat a little faster. The crisp outside and smooth mashed potato within, the salty eel, the crunch as you bite into an acorn all is in perfect harmony. An ideal starter.
I’m a bit greedy today; I order two mains. One draws the eye with its thick slab of meat: the ‘Pressed pork loin, sorrel puree, sherry chard, scallion and walnut’. First, the skin is almost like a cracker. When I cook meat, it won’t get any more than crispy, but I’m astonished at how crunchy the texture is here. The juicy meat is covered with a sauce strongly infused with the savoury flavour of the raw ingredients. Though this dish looks substantial, it’s actually quite light and it’s easy to eat the lot.
The other main is ‘Blackberry glazed dry aged mutton, pea puree, forest berries and bergamot’, an arrangement sure to delight female customers. I rarely eat mutton, imagining it to have a peculiar taste, but actually the meat is tender and the flavour is strong and forthright. Eaten with the bright green pea puree, mysteriously both the sweetness of the peas and the umami of the meat are brought out. This is a synergy only possible in the hands of a professional who thoroughly knows their ingredients.
I nearly order dessert, but I’m too full. I’ll save that pleasure for next time.
Each dish at duNORD is beautifully presented, bringing an extra level to the joy of eating. In the middle of the CBD, it’s a space you can relax in at lunchtime or late at night alike. There is also a private dining area towards the back of the restaurant, so it could be good for parties and functions too. Next time, to go with my meal I might order a cocktail from the owner Thomas, an award-winning bartender. Gochisosama deshita.
367 Little Bourke St. Melbourne
Mon - Thur 12pm - Late
Fri 12pm - 1am
Sat 6pm - 1am