夏の暑さもスパイスに-St Hotel (2015年12月号)

夏の過ごし方はいろいろあるが、断トツに人気なのはピーチでまったり過ごすことではないだろうか。だからこの季節になると、思い立ったら直ぐに行けるお手軽ビーチのSt. Kildaは、いつも人でいっぱいだ。ビーチで食べるフィッシュ&チップスは格別だけど、毎回それじゃ芸がない。そこでお勧めしたいのが、モダンなタイ料理が楽しめるSt. Hotel。

St Hotel



食欲を刺激する香りと共に、Deep fried green papaya nest, sweet pulled pork, cherry tomatoes, snake beans & spicy dressingが運ばれてきた。生パパイヤは食べたことはあるど、揚げパパイヤは初めて。見た目はフライドポテトのようだが、食べてみるとポテトよりしっかりした歯ごたえで、今までにない食感。甘辛に味付けされたポークを、酸味のあるドレッシングと一緒に食べると、後味がほのかに甘くなんとも不思議。ガーリックの効いた夏の暑さを味方につけた刺激的な一品。ビールにも良く合う。

Deep fried green papaya nest, sweet pulled pork, cherry tomatoes, snake beans & spicy dressing

Deep fried green papaya nest, sweet pulled pork, cherry tomatoes, snake beans & spicy dressing  $15

続いて、Wok tossed cuttlefish, chilli jam, snake beans  & snow peas。こちも甘辛系の味付けだが、先程の料理とは打って変わってマイルドで優しい味わい。丁度良い具合に火の通ったやわらかいイカと、シャキシャキの絹さやの食感の違いが楽しめる。アニスの甘い香りと爽やかなバジルがアクセントのこのひと皿はご飯に合う味。2~3人でシェアして。

Wok tossed cuttlefish, chilli jam, snake beans & snow peas

Wok tossed cuttlefish, chilli jam, snake beans & snow peas   $24

最後は、ピンクのフロスがお茶目なCoconut tapioca。週代わりでフレーバーが変わり、訪れた日はマンゴーのアイスとソースがのっていた。写真では分かりづらいが、「いつもこんなに大盛りなの?」と思わず聞いてしまった程のボリュームで、聞けば2~3人でシェアできるようにサーブしているとのこと。クリーミーなのにくどくないので、ついつい手が伸びて気が付けば完食していた。

Coconut tapioca   $11

Coconut tapioca   $11




There are many ways to spend summer, but I would say that far and away the most popular in Melbourne is to relax at the beach. So at this time of year, St Kilda   being the simplest beach to get to should the idea occur   is always full of people. Eating fish and chips by the beach is great, but can get boring if you have it every visit. For those who are looking for something different, I recommend the modern Thai food at ‘St Hotel’. 

St Hotel is a two-storey building, with a bar and dining on the first floor as well as the ‘Supper Club’ lounge and a nightclub on the second floor. Within these four areas, you can enjoy not only food and drink but clubbing as well. Today, I sit in the open lounge area in the atrium and try some dishes just right for the season. 

I start with a drink while soaking up the sunlight pouring in from the glass ceiling. The bar area has 18 kinds of beer on tap, a menu of Asian-influenced cocktails, and plenty of wine bottles lined up. I vacillate between the options for awhile, but end up settling on beer.

The ‘Deep fried green papaya nest, sweet pulled pork, cherry tomatoes, snake beans & spicy dressing’ arrives, with a very appetising aroma. I’ve tried raw papaya before, but this is my first time eating it fried. It resembles potato fries, but the first bite reveals a firmer texture unlike anything I’ve had before. Eaten with the salty-sweet seasoned pork and the tart dressing, it has a curious, subtly sweet aftertaste. This stimulating dish is garlicky and uses the heat of summer to its advantage. It goes well with the beer, too. 

Next I order the ‘Wok tossed cuttlefish, chilli jam, snake beans & snow peas’. This too is salty-sweet, but in contrast to the last dish is delicate and mild. The contrast in textures between the tender, perfectly-cooked squid and the crunchy snow peas is delightful. With a sweet aroma of anise and a refreshing accent of basil, this dish goes well with rice and could be shared between two or three.

To finish, I have the ‘Coconut tapioca’ with its playful pink floss. The flavour changes weekly; today it’s topped with mango ice cream and sauce. You can’t really see in the photo, but it’s so big I ask, ‘Is there always this much?!’ They tell me it’s made to be shared between two or three. It’s creamy but not cloying, and before I know it I’ve eaten the lot. 

At St Hotel, you can eat, drink, or socialise all in one place. It could be good for parties during the upcoming festive season, too. Gochisosama deshita.


St. Hotel
54 Fitzroy St. St. Kilda
03 9534 2944
Lunch  Wed-Fri 12-3pm
Dinner  Tue-Fri 6pm-till late
Sat・Sun  12pm-till late