
取材に訪れたのは、週半ばの午後2時。遅いランチを楽しむ人々がチラホラ見える…のが普通の風景だが、この店はピーク時を思わせる賑わい。厨房もホールも、スタッフがキビキビ無駄のない動きで跳び回っていた。そう、ここはメルボルンだけでなくオーストラリア全土のfoodieを唸らせるシェフAndrew McConnellの新しい店Supernomal。



まずは、軽めにPicked spanner crab salad, cabbage hearts & miso dressing。プリッとした新鮮な蟹とシャキッとしたキャベツ、ふんわり卵の香りと爽やかな生姜の香り…。食感と香りのコントラスト、それらをまとめるあっさりとした酢味噌のようなドレッシング。バランスの取れた味は、どんなドリンクとも相性が良さそうだ。

Picked spanner crab salad, cabbage hearts &  miso dressing

Picked spanner crab salad, cabbage hearts & miso dressing     $18

鼻孔をくすぐり、食欲をそそる香りと共に登場したのは、Braised short rib, pepper sauce。甘辛く味付けされたやわらかい肉に、にんにくと唐辛子が効いた香ばしいソースが良く合う。そのままでもおいしいが、サイドに添えられた胡麻風味のムースを合わせると、辛味はマイルドに、味は濃厚になるからおもしろい。是非、お試しあれ。味が濃いので、ご飯やお酒が進みそうなひと皿。

Braised short rib, pepper sauce     $35

Braised short rib, pepper sauce     $35

お待ちかねのデザートは、Peanuts butter parfait, salted caramel & soft chocolate。ねっとりとしたピーナツバターのムースの上に、塩キャラメルソースとアイスクリームに見えるソフトチョコレートがのった濃厚な一品。ソフトチョコレートは、今までにない不思議な感覚。スムーズな食感の中に、ピーナッツのカリッとした食感が良いアクセントになっている。食後の締めに、コーヒーと合わせていただいて。

Penats butter parfait, salted caramel & soft chocolate

Penats butter parfait, salted caramel & soft chocolate     $15



I visited this restaurant at 2p.m. in the middle of the week. Most places at this time would have a few customers enjoying a late lunch, but here it’s bustling like peak hour. The staff are flying about without wasting a second, both in the kitchen and on the floor. This is the new restaurant of Andrew McConnell, a chef who has been wowing foodies not only in Melbourne but also all over Australia. It’s called Supernormal. 

Apparently some research was done in Japan for the interior design of this Asian restaurant. The metal counter in the kitchen recalls a sushi bar, and the dining area is vaguely reminiscent of a Japanese family restaurant or cafeteria. There is XO sauce as well as gyoza and bao dumplings on the menu, typical of Andrew who has worked in Shanghai and Hong Kong. Added to this are elements of Japanese and Korean cuisine, such as wasabi, miso and kimchi. I can’t quite imagine what it will taste like, but I order some popular items and wait with great anticipation. 

First I order a light starter: ‘Picked spanner crab salad, cabbage hearts & miso dressing’. The fresh, tender crab and the crunchy cabbage, with the gentle aroma of eggs and the sharp scent of ginger; These contrasts in texture and aroma are brought together by a light vinegary dressing. With its balance of flavours this dish would go with any sort of drink. 

Next to arrive, preceded by its appetising aroma, is ‘Braised short rib, pepper sauce’. Tender, sweet-salty meat is perfectly matched with an aromatic ginger and chilli pepper sauce. It’s delicious just as is, but intriguingly if eaten with the sesame mousse on the side the spiciness is made milder and the flavour enriched. It’s definitely one to try. With its intense flavour, this dish would go well with rice or sake. 

To finish off I have the ‘Peanut butter parfait, salted caramel & soft chocolate’. This rich dessert features salted caramel sauce and soft chocolate that looks like ice cream, atop a sticky peanut butter mousse. I’ve never had anything quite like the curious texture of this soft chocolate. In the midst of the smoothness, the crunch of peanuts is an appealing accent. This dish would be ideal to finish off a meal along with a coffee.

At this much talked about restaurant, you can enjoy exquisite combinations of seasonings and ingredients. Supernormal is also open between lunch and dinner, so you could also make a spontaneous stop  just for a coffee and dessert. Gochisosama deshita. 


180 Flinders Lane Melbourne
Sun-Thu  11am-11pm
Fri・Sat  11am-midnight