時間を忘れごゆるりと- EPOCHA (2013年10月号)

Carltonで食事と聞けば、Lygon St. に代表されるイタリアンを連想するだろう。しかし、今回紹介するのはLygon St. にあるわけでも、イタリアンでもない。その店は、Carlton gardensに面し、ひっそりと佇む隠れ家的なヨーロピアン創作料理店『Epocha』。実は、私自身も数年前から気になっていた店。どんな料理が出てくるのか、期待に胸を膨らませ入店した。


最初に運ばれてきたのは、Mini crumpets, honeycomb。モッチリとした食感で、小さいながらも食べ応えのある熱々のcrumpetに、バターと蜂蜜が溶け合い、甘しょっぱさがたまらない。ちなみにcrumpetは、イギリス発祥の小さな穴がたくさんあるパンの一種で、個人的にはトーストと同じ扱いなのだが、これは洗練された一段上の大人crumpet。お酒とも合いそうだ。

Mini crumpets, honeycomb

Mini crumpets, honeycomb $7.5

サッとテーブルに置かれたのは、思わず溜息が漏る美しさのVenison carpaccio, mushrooms ‘A la Greque’, hazelnuts。絵本から抜け出したようなメルヘンチックな盛り付けは、食欲優先の私でさえ崩すのがためらわれた。高タンパクで低脂肪といわれる鹿肉にエノキやシメジなどのキノコ類、酸味の効いたクリーミーなソースのバランスが絶妙。全体的にサッパリとしているし、ヘルシーなのもうれしい。また、キノコ類のシャキシャキした食感とへーセルナッツのコリッとした食感の違いも良いアクセントだ。

Venison carpaccio, mushrooms ‘A la Greque’, hazelnuts

Venison carpaccio, mushrooms ‘A la Greque’, hazelnuts $16

食欲の沸く香りと共に登場したのが、Charred octopus, fava, chilli。どことなくヒヨコ豆のディップHummusを彷彿とさせるFava beanのピューレに、とろけそうにやわらかいタコ。ピリリッと辛いチリが全体の味を引き締め、食べ出したら止まらない。どんなお酒とでも相性が良さそうな一品。

Charred octopus, fava, chilli

Charred octopus, fava, chilli $22

最後は、トレイに並べられたデザートからどれにしようか、迷いに迷ってQueen's trifleとSalted caramel profiteroleをチョイス。Queen's trifleは、どっしり濃厚なクリームとカスタード、しっかりコンポートされた桃としっとりしたスポンジのハーモニーが楽しめる。Saltedとは名ばかりの普通のキャラメルが横行する中、こちらのSalted caramel profiteroleは、正真正銘の塩キャラメルをまとったシュークリーム。中のカスタードもしっかりしていて、甘い物好きを唸らせること間違いなし。


Desserts $12 each



When you hear ‘Carlton’, you probably think of the many Italian places on Lygon St. However although this month’s restaurant is on Lygon St, it isn’t Italian. Epocha, across from the Carlton Gardens, is a quiet little refuge featuring creative European cuisine. It’s a place I have personally liked for several years. I enter wondering what sort of dishes I will experience tonight. 

The first dish to arrive is mini crumpets with honeycomb. These steaming hot, chewy crumpets are small but filling, and the butter and honey melt together in an irresistible salty-sweet topping. Crumpets, by the way, are a type of English bread with many small holes. I use them like toast, but these grown-up crumpets are a cut above! They could even go well with alcohol.

The next dish to be promptly placed on my table is venison carpaccio with mushrooms ‘A la Greque’ and hazelnuts, and it’s so beautiful I let out a sigh. The arrangement looks straight out of a fairytale picture book; it would seduce even those who (like myself) put their appetites first. The venison, said to be high in protein and low in fat, is superbly balanced with several kinds of mushrooms and a tart, creamy sauce. As a whole, it’s refreshing and pleasingly healthy. The contrast between the textures of the mushrooms and the hazelnuts is a good accent too. 

Next, heralded by an appetizing aroma, comes the charred octopus with fava and chilli. In a fava bean puree that resembles the chickpea dip hummus, sits octopus that seems almost tender enough to melt in the mouth. The spicy chilli brings out the flavours of the whole   once I start eating it, I can’t stop! 

Last of all, I waver between the desserts lined up on the tray. In the end I choose the ‘Queen’s trifle’ and ‘salted caramel profiterole’. The Queen’s trifle combines moist sponge, well-cooked peach compote, and rich, thick custard and cream in pleasing harmony. As for the salted caramel profiterole   well, there is a lot of salted caramel out there that is ‘salted’ in name only, but not this time. This is a pastry with genuine salted caramel inside, and the custard is substantial too. Sure to cause a buzz among sweet-lovers. 

Epocha has the sort of atmosphere where you can while away many comfortable hours and forget the hustle and bustle of everyday life, like dropping in at an old friend’s house. With its visually beautiful arrangements, and light, healthy fare, this restaurant will likely be popular with women. There’s a bar on the second floor too; maybe take a friend out for a birthday treat next time. Thanks for the meal. 

49 Rathdowne St. Carlton
Mon-Sat Lunch: 12:00pm-  
Dinner: 5:30pm-
Sun Lunch: 12:00-4:00pm