肉好きを唸らせるアルゼンチングルメ-San Telmo(2013年9月号)

アルゼンチンと聞いて、皆さんは何を思い浮かべるだろう。サッカーやタンゴといった代表的なもの、イグアスの滝やパタゴニアなどの世界遺産にも登録されている名所、またはヨーロッパのようなブエノス・アイレスの街並ではないだろうか。しかし、アルゼンチンは世界有数の牛肉消費国で人口の3倍近い牛が放牧されていることを知っている人は少ないはず。そう、アルゼンチンといえば牛肉料理。CBD内にアルゼンチンレストラン『San Telmo』を発見し、早速アルゼンチングルメを堪能しに出掛けた。

San Telmo

店の周辺には、食欲をそそる香りが漂い、煙突からはもくもくと煙が立ち昇る-いやがうえにも期待に胸高鳴る。狭い間口を通り抜けると、想像以上に広々した店内にビックリ。ゆったり席に着き、 ラテンチックな名のオリジナルカクテルが並ぶドリンクメニューを眺めていると、たこ焼きをフライにしたような風貌の料理が運ばれてきた。正体は、ブロッコリーの揚げ物『Brócoli』。適度な歯ごたえを残したブロッコリーにサクサクの衣、トッピングされた塩気の効いたリコッタチーズが渾然一体となって、食べ出したら止まらない。アルコールとの相性も良さそうだ。

rócoli $10

Brocoli $10


Vacío $31 & Zanahorias $12

Vacio $31 & Zanahorias $12


Flan $14



When you hear ‘Argentina’ what comes to mind? Perhaps it’s soccer or tango, famous World Heritage listed places such as the Iguazu Falls or Patagonia, or the European-style streets of Buenos Aires. But did you know that Argentina has the highest beef consumption in the world, and contains three times more cattle than people? Yes beef dishes typify Argentine food. When I discovered Argentine restaurant ‘San Telmo’ in the CBD, I went right out straight away to satisfy myself with Argentine gourmet cuisine. 

As I approach the restaurant, appetizing aromas drift out of it and smoke rises silently from the chimney. I can’t help it – my heart starts beating fast with anticipation. As I enter the narrow shop front, I’m surprised by the spaciousness of the interior. I sit in a comfortable chair and turn my gaze to the drinks menu, full of original cocktails with Latin-style names, when a dish resembling takoyaki arrives. It’s actually ‘Brócoli’ - fried broccoli, not too soft with a crunchy batter coating and a perfectly harmonious salted ricotta on top. Once I start eating it, I can’t stop. I imagine it would go well with alcohol, too.

Next arrives the ‘Vacío’, cooked on a 2.5m parrilla charcoal grill. Parrilla is a kind of charcoal-grilled steak, the name deriving from the ‘gaucho’ cowboy culture. Vacío is made with premium pasture-fed flank steak and seasoned simply with coarsely ground pepper and salt. It is superbly grilled, so the flavour of the meat is brought out and less salt is required. It’s just what I’d expect from the restaurant’s signature dish. It comes with two sauces allowing you to enjoy two different flavours; parsley-rich ‘chimichurri’, essential to every Argentine household, and a tomato salsa criolla. I also recommend adding a side dish of the ‘Zahahorias’, sweet burnt carrots eaten with goat’s cheese. 

For dessert we order a flan, loved not only in Argentina but also all throughout South America. On top of what we would call ‘custard pudding’ in Japan is a rich caramel sauce, and encasing it a beautiful glistening salted peanut praline. The custard itself has a nostalgic flavour, not overly sweet so its intense topping accents it well. It would be perfect alongside a bittersweet coffee to finish off a meal. 

With its convenient CBD location, spacious interior, and counter bar, San Telmo could be good for any occasion from casual catch-ups with friends to birthday parties or functions. But whatever the occasion, it may be most successful if you restrict the guests to meat-lovers. Gochiso sama.

San Telmo
14 Meyers Pl, Melbourne
Mon-Fri 8:00am - Late
Sat・Sun 12:00pm - Late