ちょこっと まめ知識



初めましてトミ子と申します。突然ですが皆さん、嫌い箸、忌み箸、禁じ箸ってご存知かしら? マナー違反とされている箸の使い方の事なんだけど、「それは、当然ダメでしょう!」ってものから、「あらやだ私、時々やちゃってるわ」ってものまで、結構たくさんあるのよね。だから知らないうちに後ろ指なんて指されないよう、代表的な嫌い箸を紹介していこうと思うの。とは言え、箸の使い方ばかりに気をとられていたら、楽しくお食事できないじゃない? まぁそこそこに気を使って、一緒に食べてる人に不快感を与えないようにしましょう。

My name is Tomiko, I’m pleased to meet you. I hope you don’t mind me starting with a funny question, but are you all familiar with kirai-bashi? There are certain taboos associated with using chopsticks, and some of them are obvious. You’ll look at them and say, “That’s obviously not on!“ On the other hand, there are others that might make you think and go, “Oh dear, I do that sometimes…” Today we’ll have a look at some of these taboos. “But if you worry about manners, wouldn’t it just get in the way of enjoying a meal?” Let’s just try and make sure we don’t horrify the company we’re with, okay?

寄せ箸(写真1):箸で遠くの食器を箸を使って手元に引き寄せる事。見た目が悪いわよね。それに、テーブルを傷つけちゃう可能性もあるでしょ? 手を使いなさいよ!

Yose-bashi (“gathering chopsticks”):Using chopsticks to bring plates closer to you. This one is obviously poor etiquette. Plus, you might damage the table. Use your hands!


Saguri-bashi (“searching chopsticks”):Poking around for your favourite ingredient in a meal, or seeing if there’s anything left to eat in the soup. Either way, just eat it all!


Mogi-bashi (“picking chopsticks”):Picking off bits of rice stuck to the chopsticks with your mouth. To avoid having to do this, just wet the chopsticks with the soup dish at the beginning of the meal.

握り箸(写真2):2本の箸を握って使う事。コレって小さな子供みたいだし、箸の機能を台無しよね。しかも、食事の途中での握り箸は攻撃を意味するんですって! 危ないわ~。

Nigiri-bashi (“gripping chopsticks”):Gripping chopsticks… It looks childish and it defeats the purpose of using chopsticks… Even worse, to do this during a meal supposedly signifies an attack! Dangerous…


Mayoi-bashi (“hesitant chopsticks”):Unsure of which dish to eat first, some people often move their chopsticks from dish to dish without actually taking anything. Infuriating. Make up your mind!

涙箸:箸の先から汁をぽたぽた落としながら、口に運ぶ事。テーブルや衣類が汚れるじゃない! 汁が落ちる時は、ハンカチ等で受け止めれば、見た目もエレガントよ。

Namida-bashi (“weeping chopsticks”):Letting sauces and liquids drip from the chopsticks while carrying it to your mouth. You’re dirtying the table and your clothes!

刺し箸・突き箸(写真3):料理に箸をグサッと突き刺して食べる事。滑りやすい料理やつまみ難い料理の時についやってしまうのは、私だけでしょうか? きゃ~、笑われてたかも~!

Tsuki-bashi (“stabbing chopsticks”):Stabbing food with chopsticks. Am I the only one who does this with food that’s hard to grip or slips around easily? I hope people haven’t been laughing at me…

舐り箸:箸を舐める所作。思いっきり箸を舐める人は、めったに居ないと思うけど、箸先をちょっと口に含んで、考え事してる人とかいるじゃない? あれは、不快だわ~、私。

Neburi-bashi (“licking chopsticks”):Licking chopsticks. There aren’t too many people licking away at their chopsticks (I hope), but you often see people with the tips of their chopsticks in their mouth, thinking about something.


Hiroi-bashi (“pickup chopsticks“):Directly passing things from chopstick to chopstick. This is taboo as it is how cremated remains are picked up. Having it done in front of me at meals ruins my appetite.

指し箸:箸で人・物を指し示す事。食事中の会話で興奮したらしてしまう人もいるのでは? 箸で指されて気分の良い人がいるのかしら? 私は、確実にムッとするわ!

Sashi-bashi (“pointing chopsticks”):Pointing at people or objects using chopsticks. This seems like something that happens in a heated mealtime conversation, but it definitely isn’t pleasant being pointed at.


Chigiri-bashi (“tearing chopsticks”):Holding one chopstick in each hand and cutting or tearing food apart. I have to confess I do this, knowing full well I’m not supposed to… I guess I have to apologize for that.


Tate-bashi (“standing chopsticks”):Stabbing chopsticks into rice and letting it stand upright. This is something you only do at funerals to offer food to the dead. Don’t remind people of funerals at mealtime!

渡し箸(写真7):箸休めの時に箸を器の上で横にかける事。あぁ、これも時々やってた。実はこれ、「もう要りません」という意味になるんですって! 知らなかった~!

Watashi-bashi (“passing chopsticks”):Resting your chopsticks sideways on your bowl. I sometimes do this, but apparently it means, “I’m finished with the meal”. I had no idea…


Utsuri-bashi (“swapping chopsticks”):Moving your chopsticks to a different dish having already reached for (and touched) another. Take responsibility for your actions!

(2011年5月号 Dengon Net)