南国気分で召し上がれ - Hana (2017年9月号)




とりあえずと運ばれてきたのは、料理ではなくサメをかたどった容器に入ったカクテル。ちょっぴり遊び心のある演出で気分が盛り上がったところで、Baby squid, Tarragon, Sour onion, Sorrelが登場。丁度いい具合に火が入り、やわらかくほんのり甘いイカに、塩気の効いた衣と、ソレルの爽やかな酸味とほろ苦さが良く合う。タラゴンのアニスに似た甘い香りが後から広がり、あとを引く味わいになっている。ビールやさっぱりとしたカクテルと相性が良さそうだ。

Baby squid, Tarragon, Sour onion, Sorrel $22
Baby squid, Tarragon, Sour onion, Sorrel $22

ランチメニューのポケサラダからCharred tuna, Watercress, Apple & Citrus saladと、Salmon, Leaves, Citrus, Macadamia。ハワイのローカルフードとして不動の人気を誇るポケは、魚介類の切り身を塩や醤油、食用油や香味野菜などで混ぜた料理。そのまま食べたり、ご飯にのせて丼にすることが多いが、ここではちょっぴりドレスアップしたポケをたっぷりの野菜といただく。Charred tunaのサラダは、マグロにリンゴの甘酸っぱさとシャキシャキした食感が見事にマッチ。グレープフルーツや紅しょうがが効果的に使われているのが印象的。

Charred tuna, Watercress, Apple & Citrus salad $19
Charred tuna, Watercress, Apple & Citrus salad $19


Salmon, Leaves, Citrus, Macadamia $18.5
Salmon, Leaves, Citrus, Macadamia $18.5

最後は、Chocolate haupia。Haupiaは、ココナッツミルクを使ったプリンのようなムースのようなハワイの伝統的なデザート。見た目はどっしりとして濃厚そうだが、甘過ぎず軽めに仕上がっていてビックリ。チョコレートと言うより、ヘーゼルナッツのムースといった感じで、甘いものが苦手な人でも楽しめそうだ。舌触りも滑らかなので、もうひと口と手が出てしまう。ライムの風味が後味に残る食事の最後を飾るのにピッタリの一品。

Chocolate haupia $12
Chocolate haupia $12


Enjoy a tropical sensation

Heading towards spring you start to feel your spirits lighten. The weather starts to warm up, and it's the perfect time to catch up with friends in a spacious, welcoming environment. That's why this month, we're reviewing the Hawaiian restaurant Hana, which brings a tropical feeling to the heart of Melbourne.

Hana only opened a few months ago and it specialises in cocktails and seafood. Inside  the restaurant the decor and relaxed atmosphere makes it seem like you've been transported to Hawaii itself. The restaurant's name comes from the Hana Highway on Maui. Also called ’the heavenly road to Hana', this twisty strip of tarmac may be in a bad state right now, but we were told the incredible mountain and ocean views it affords provided inspiration for the restaurant.

The first item to be served wasn't in fact food, but a cocktail in a shark-shaped receptacle. Its playfulness having livened things up a bit, our Baby squid, Tarragon, Sour onion and Sorrel arrived. The salty batter and fresh acidity and bitterness of the sorrel accentuated the perfectly-cooked, soft and sweet squid well. The tarragon's star anise-like sweetness follows later, filling the mouth. It's a dish that would go well with beer or a refreshing cocktail.

Next from the lunch menu's Poke Salad range, came both the Charred tuna, Watercress, Apple and Citrus salad and Salmon, Leaves, Citrus and Macadamia. Poke salads are a perennial Hawaiian favourite that traditionally mix sliced seafood with other ingredients like salt, soy sauce, oil or fragrant vegetables. Usually eaten by themselves or on top of rice like a donburi, Hana dresses things up and doesn't spare the veges. The charred tuna version balanced the fish and crunchy, tangy apple perfectly, while the skilled use of grapefruit and pickled ginger also left a lasting impression. The salmon Poke blended the silky seafood with crunchy macadamias, tempering the sweetness with rocket. It's a great mix of tastes and textures. Both Poke used the soy sesame dressing so common for this type of meal, but each had its own, distinct individuality.

Finally we enjoyed the Chocolate haupia. This traditional Hawaiian dessert is a creme caramel-esque mousse that uses coconut cream. It looks very solid and rich, but it's shockingly light and definitely isn't over-sweet. We'd go as far as to say that it's more a hazelnut flavour than chocolate, but it all just means this is a dessert anyone can enjoy, even those not normally into sweets. The creamy texture just keeps you coming back for more, but the fresh lime aftertaste also provides an ideal cap to the meal.

When the world around you gets too busy, why not gather some friends and head here for a cocktail and eats, and transport yourself to Hawaii for just a little while. Gotchisousamadeshita.

212 Little Collins St. Melbourne
03 9654 4860
Mon-Fri:  12-11pm
Sat: 4:30pm late
W: hanarestaurant.com.au