

世界遺産についてちょっとだけ - World Heritage in Japan

 World Heritage in Japan


I’ve lived my whole life as a Japanese person, but when I went overseas I realised I know practically nothing about Japan. So now I’m learning about Japan’s World Heritage Sites, from oldest to newest. Those who are interested, and even those who are not, come along for the ride.

World Heritage in Japan

撮影協力 / メルボルン総領事館 Thanks to the Consulate-General of Japan, Melbourne


 ○○○○○ まずは世界遺産についてちょっとだけ ○○○○○ 

皆さんは『世界遺産』についてどれくらい知っていますか? 『すべての人類共通の遺産』ということは分かるけど、人工的建築物もあれば、原生林のような自然なものまであるし…、いまひとつ分からないという人が多いのではないでしょうか。日本にある世界遺産の紹介の前に、まずは世界遺産についてお話したいと思います。

世界遺産の誕生は、1960年代、ダムの建設によって水没の危機にさらされたエジプトのヌビア遺跡を救うため、ユネスコ(The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization)が遺跡の救済キャンペーンを行いました。これを機に、『人類共通の遺産』という世界遺産条約の基本的思想が広がり、1972年の『世界遺産条約』採択へと繋がっていきました。世界遺産は、この世界遺産条約に基づいて登録された文化財や自然環境のことを指します。






 ○○○○○ A little bit about World Heritage ○○○○○ 

How much do you know about World Heritage? You might know it means ‘common heritage for all humanity’, but some sites are structures made by humans whereas others are natural features... a lot of people are not exactly sure how it works. So before introducing Japan’s World Heritage Sites, I would like to talk a little bit about World Heritage itself.

The birth of World Heritage was in the 1960s, when UNESCO campaigned to save some Nubian ruins in Egypt that were going to be submerged by the construction of a dam. This campaign spread the basic idea of a treaty to preserve ‘common heritage for all humanity’, and in 1972 the ‘Convention concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage’ was adopted. World Heritage Sites are places of natural or cultural importance that are registered on the UNESCO World Heritage list, in accordance with that convention.

There are three kinds of World Heritage Sites: cultural, natural, and mixed properties, all material places in the real world. According to UNESCO, cultural heritage refers to monuments, structures, ruins, and sites of outstanding universal value. Natural heritage refers to geographical and geological features, ecosystems, and endangered plants and animals of outstanding universal value. Mixed heritage is a property that is of both cultural and natural importance. Japan’s cultural World Heritage Sites include the Itsukushima Shinto Shrine, and Mount Fuji (which made the list last year). Some of Japan’s natural World Heritage Sites are Yakushima and Shirakami-Sanchi. Japan has no World Heritage listed mixed properties. Australia’s cultural sites on the World Heritage list include the Royal Exhibition Building and Carlton Gardens (Victoria), and the Sydney Opera House (New South Wales). Some of Australia’s natural World Heritage Sites are the Great Barrier Reef (Queensland) and Purnululu National Park (Western Australia). Mixed properties registered to the list include the Tasmanian Wilderness (Tasmania) and Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park (Northern Territory).

By the way, some of you may be wondering why Mount Fuji is listed as a cultural site and not as a natural one. (I wondered too.) According to my research, the Mount Fuji of today has been changed from its original state by human use, and is defined as a cultural site because it is ‘a natural environment inhabited by humans, and shaped by its connection to the community over many years through spiritual beliefs, art, and traditional customs’. Is it just me wondering why they didn’t just class it as a mixed property?

Incidentally, around the same time the Mount Fuji joined the World Heritage List, also in the news was that ‘washoku’ (traditional Japanese cuisine) was added to the Intangible Cultural Heritage List. This list is also a UNESCO project, but aims to protect and preserve not tangible things like buildings but intangible treasures, such as the different folk cultures and oral traditions of different areas.

From next time, I look forward to introducing some World Heritage listed structures in Japan.