Our top rated Japanese restaurants in Melbourne.
This Month our pick: Chotto Motto
Chotto Motto
287 Wellington St, Collingwood
M: 0466 054 911
E: konnichiwa@chottomotto.com.au
W: chottomotto.com.au
Instagram: chottomottogyoza
Facebook: chottomottogyoza
Tue-Thur: 5:30-9:30pm, Fri-Sat: 5:30-10:30pm
I'm sure Iʼm not the only expat herewho occasionally misseshome-country Japanese gyoza. Thesmooth tenderness, the flood of meatjuices as you bite into it... It wasduring one of those periods oflonging, wondering if I could get thesame level of gyoza here, that Ilearned about Chotto Motto. Makingtheir gyoza by hand each day, theyoffer three varieties: Classic Pork($23.50), Prawn & Ginger ($25.50) andShiitake & Chive ($23.50). They alsooffer three sauce options: Black GarlicUmami Oil, Crispy Chilli Oil and RoastSesame Oil. With their uniquevarieties and delicious tastes, ChottoMotto has really been makingMelburnians go ʻMmmmʼ.
The menu choices donʼt stop atgyoza, either. They offer variousdishes that are fun to share withfriends, such as their crispy, juicy shiokoji-marinated Chicken Karaage($16.50), served with green currymayo for an extra twist, and AgedashiTofu & Eggplant ($13.50), which offersa gently-flavoured broth with shiitakemushrooms. By using real Japaneseseasonings and condiments, likeshiso ponzu and yuzu kosho, thereʼs anostalgic flavour for expats like me,and each dish would go great withrice or sake.
Inside, the vibe is veryretro-Japanese, with 80s J-popplaying and old Japanese illustrationsetc. adorning the walls. Itʼs the kind ofplace where you can chill for ages.Buying your drinks from a realJapanese vending machine near theentrance is also fun.
The mural covering the buildingʼsexterior, which really stands out,given the suburban street location, isby a local artist, and walking intherefore feels exciting, like youʼreentering a treasure chest. Why not goand feel that excitement for yourselfsometime soon?
今月は昭和レトロな雰囲気が心地よい「Chotto Motto」。
日本の餃子が恋しくなることがあるのは、私だけではないはず。あのプリプリとした食感、ひと口かじるとジュワッと溢れ出す肉汁…。当地でも食べられるようにならないかと思っていたら、毎日手作り餃子を提供しているのがChotto Mottoと知りました。餃子は、Classic Pork($23.50)、Prawn & Ginger($25.50)、Shiitake & Chive($23.50)の3種類の中から選べます。更にソースもBlack Garlic Umami Oil、Crispy Chilli Oil、Roast Sesame Sauceの3種類。独創的なアイデアとおいしさで、地元の人達をうならせています。
そしてほかにも、友達とシェアするのが楽しいメニューがいっぱい。塩麴に浸けられたChicken Karaage($16.50)はサクサクジューシー、Green Curry マヨに付けるというひとひねりのおもしろさ。Agedashi Tofu & Eggplant($13.50)には、しいたけも入っていて優しい出汁の味わい。しそポン酢や柚子胡椒など日本の調味料や薬味も多く使われていてどこか懐かく、どれもおかずとしても、お酒のお供にもピッタリ。