Our top rated Japanese restaurants in Melbourne.
This Month our pick: Bincho Boss
Bincho Boss
383-385 Little Bourke St, Melbourne
T: 03 9670 7945
E: hello@binchoboss.com.au
W: binchoboss.com.au
Mon - Wed: 12 - 2.30pm, 5 - 9pm Thur - Sat: 12 - 3pm, 4 - 9.30pm
Located on restaurant-packed Little Bourke,Bincho Boss is an izakaya that boasts a veryun-izakaya like elegance, but thankfully, the pricesremain izakaya-style affordable.
The ʻBinchoʼ in the name comes from thetraditional Japanese charcoal variety used in thecooking. Cooking with charcoal produces infraredrays, which gives dishes a crispy outside, tenderinside and a wonderful smoky aroma and taste.The Assorted Skewers ($22) therefore have aconcentrated umami only quality charcoal canprovide. Skewers include yakitori, pork belly withcherry tomato and lemon salt, and Wagyu andleek, Brussels sprouts and king brownmushrooms, so thereʼs plenty of variety.Furthermore, each skewer type is coated with aunique, house-made sauce.
You can find the Assorted Skewers in the BinchoSet Menu, too. For $65, this gets you the skewers,Assorted Sashimi, Ebimayo, Wagyu Nigiri Sushi andMiso Soup. You even get an Espresso CrèmeCaramel for dessert. For lunch, Bincho Boss offersGozen and Donburi (from $18), which are verypopular.
Drinks-wise, thereʼs a great variety, withJapanese-inspired cocktails, Japanese draught andcraft beers, whiskies, sake, shochu, awamori and soon. Right now, in line with summer, they have arange of citrus-focussed cocktails that go well withtheir dishes, too. Seeing as you canʼt go to Japanright now, why not head on in and enjoy the tasteof modern Japanese izakaya cuisine right here ?
今月はエレガントな雰囲気の居酒屋「Bincho Boss」。
レストランが軒を連ねるLittle Bourke Streetにありながら、Bincho Bossは居酒屋らしからぬエレガントな雰囲気。なのに懐に優しい価格設定のメニューが並んでいます。
店名の ‟Bincho“は、日本の伝統的な炭火焼きで使われる“備長炭”から来ています。炭火で焼くと遠赤外線の効果で、外側がパリッと香ばしく、内側はふっくら焼き上がり、更に煙で燻されて風味が加わります。高品質の備長炭で焼いたAssort Skewers($22)は、まさに炭火焼きの旨味が凝縮されたひと皿。焼き鳥、豚バラ肉、チェリートマト&レモンソルト、和牛&ねぎ、芽キャベツ、キングブラウンマッシュルームの盛り合わせ。しかも、それぞれに別の味の自家製ソースが掛かっているという入れ込みよう。
お勧めのBincho set menuには、このAssort Skewersが含まれていて、ほかに刺身盛り合わせ、エビマヨ、和牛にぎり寿司&味噌汁にEspresso Crème Caramelのデザートまでついて$65。ランチの御膳と丼物($18~)も大人気です。