鮨 - All about Sushi

世界中でもヘルシーフードとして人気の“我らが鮨”には、その起源から種類、食べ方まで日本人でも知らない“ネタ”がいっぱい。There is so much information about ‘our sushi’, popular as a healthy food worldwide, that even Japanese people may not know all the facts.

五つの名脇役 - All About SUSHI

鮨 - All About SUSHI


Whether it’s nigiri-zushi or nori rolls, rotating on a conveyer belt or lined up in a row, right now in Melbourne you’ll see a sushi shop on every block. There is so much information about ‘our sushi’, popular as a healthy food worldwide, that even Japanese people may not know all the facts. Enjoy these morsels of information, and you’ll enjoy your sushi all the more.

● ● ●  五つの脇役達 ● ● ●


緑茶◇ 緑茶(=アガリ、江戸時代の花柳界、遊郭で客に出していたお茶が起源)
舌に残った前に食べたネタの脂を取る洗浄効果と共に抗菌効果もある。鮨屋では 熱い湯で手早く味も色も濃いお茶が入れられることから“粉茶”の利用が一般的。

◇ 生姜(=ガリ、噛んだ時にガリガリと音がするから)
前に食べたネタの生臭さを消すほか、ショウガに含まれるジンゲロールという成分 の殺菌効果により食中毒の予防となる。また、利きすぎたワサビの刺激を中和する働 きなどもある。

山葵◇ 山葵(=ナミダ、ききすぎると涙が出るから)
魚の生臭さを消し味を引き締める、揮発性の辛味がある。食中毒などの病原菌に対 する、殺菌効果にも優れる辛味の効果を逃がさないよう、敢えて挟んで握られるとも。

◇ 酢飯(=シャリ、火葬にされたお釈迦様の骨 “仏舎利” に似ているから)
防腐・細菌の増殖を抑える静菌効果がある。鮨屋では新米に比べてひび割れの多 い古米を混ぜ、酢がご飯に馴染むよう工夫している。酢と砂糖はご飯が硬くなるのを 防ぐともいわれている。

ムラサキ◇ 醤油(=ムラサキ、高価な調味料でかつ高貴な色“紫”に似ているから)
アミノ酸由来のメチオノールが、食材の生臭さを消す消臭効果に加え、塩分やアル コール、有機酸などの成分は大腸菌などの増殖を止め、死滅させる静菌効果がある。


Five supporting players

Here are five things that have important supporting roles at a sushi restaurant, and the special names (different from regular Japanese) they are known by in Japan.

◇ Green tea (‘agari’, from the word for tea served in Edo-period pleasure quarters)
Green tea washes away any oil left on the tongue from the previous sushi topping eaten, and has an antibacterial effect. At sushi restaurants, the ‘konacha’ type is generally used because the colour and flavour intensify quickly.

◇ Pickled ginger (‘gari’, from ‘gari-gari’, the crunching sound when you bite into it)
PickledGingerAs well as removing the smell of previous sushi toppings, ginger also contains gingerol, which has antibacterial properties and can reduce the risk of food poisoning. It can also help neutralise too much wasabi.

◇ Wasabi (‘namida’, from the word for tears, because too much can make you cry)
Hot, sharp and volatile, wasabi dispels fishy aromas while bringing out the topping’s flavour. It can be mixed with the soy sauce which sushi is dipped in, but is sometimes spread between the rice and the topping to best preserve its antibacterial effect and spicy kick.

◇ Vinegared rice (‘shari’, from the word for bones left after Buddha’s cremation)
VinegaredRiceHas a preserving antibacterial effect. At sushi restaurants, cracked and kibbled older rice is mixed in with new rice so that vinegar soaks into it better. The vinegar and sugar also helps prevent the rice from hardening.

◇ Soy sauce (‘murasaki’, from the word for purple; an expensive condiment and an expensive colour)
The amino acid-derived methanol in soy sauce removes fishy odours, and the salt, alcohol and organic acids help stop the growth of bacteria.

Next time, We would like to introduce about sushi toppings available in Melbourne.

協力 / Thasnks to : Kenzan