

平等院 Byodo-in - World Heritage in Japan

 World Heritage in Japan


I’ve lived my whole life as a Japanese person, but when I went overseas I realised I know practically nothing about Japan. So now I’m learning about Japan’s World Heritage Sites, from oldest to newest. Those who are interested, and even those who are not, come along for the ride.

平等院 Byodo-in

撮影協力 / メルボルン総領事館 Thanks to the Consulate-General of Japan, Melbourne


 ○○○○○ 平等院 天下泰平の世を願い現世に再現された極楽浄土 ○○○○○ 

今回は、1994年に世界遺産として登録された『古都京都の文化財』のひとつ、平等院(びょうどういん)を紹介します。平等院は京都府宇治市にあり、平安時代に栄華を極めた藤原氏ゆかりの寺院です。皇室と姻戚関係を結んで、時の権力者となった藤原 道長(ふじわら の みちなが)の別荘「宇治殿」を、1052年に息子の頼通(よりみち)が阿弥陀堂(あみだどう)として改め、寺院としたのが始まりです。名称は、仏の救済が平等であることに由来しています。平安時代後期・11世紀の建築、仏像、絵画、庭園などを今日に伝えることが評価され、世界文化遺産に登録されました。現在は、特定の宗派に属さない単立の仏教寺院となっています。






○○○Byodo-in: a paradise recreated in reality ○○○

This time we introduce Byodo-in, one of the ‘Historic Monuments of Ancient Kyoto,’ registered to the World Heritage list in 1994. Byodo-in is a temple in Uji city, Kyoto, connected to the Fujiwara clan who reached their peak of glory during the Heian period. What had been a villa owned by Fujiwara no Michinaga, member of this powerful clan that intermarried with the imperial family, became a temple in 1052 when his son Yorimichi built there the Amida Hall. The name ‘Byodo-in’ (literally, ‘Equality Temple’) comes from the idea that the Buddha’s aid is equal or impartial. It was World Heritage listed due to its highly valuable examples of late Heian period 11th century architecture, Buddhist statues, artwork, and gardens.

Byodo-in was established at a time when elegant, showy aristocratic culture was at its height. However it was also a time of furious power struggles and political instability, as well as earthquakes, floods, famines, droughts, and disease; daily life was full of troubles not only for ordinary people but also even for the nobles. With this historical background, the teachings of the Buddha began to be lost and the world was thrown into chaos in an ‘Age of Dharma Decline’. In the midst of this, people seeking aid from Amida Buddha built a temple, praying to go to the paradise of the Pure Land with all their hearts. Byodo-in, on the west bank of the Uji River, represented the world of enlightenment and nirvana, and the mountains Asahiyama and Buttokusan on the opposite bank represented this world of desire and freedom from suffering.

Most associated with Byodo-in is the Amida Hall known as ‘Hoo-do’ (‘Phoenix Hall’), familiar from its picture on the 10- yen coin. Miraculously escaping fire and destruction multiple times, the Amida Hall was build on an island in a large pond, and is distinguished by its corridors protruding horizontally and vertically from a central hall. Its graceful form, like a floating palace, is reflected in the water. There are several theories about why the Phoenix Hall is so named; one claims it is because the shape of the main temple building resembles a phoenix with wings spread for flight, while another says it is due to the phoenix statues on the roof. With four years of restoration work starting in 2014, it is regaining the resplendence of the Heian period. There are also many historically significant cultural properties in the temple, and the Buddhist statues and murals within are all designated national treasures.

Apart from the Amida Hall, there is also Kannon-do, which long ago used to be rowed to by boat; Saisho-in, where many go to pray for protection from misfortune; Jodo-in, which houses many cultural treasures; the phoenix statues at the north and south ends of the Phoenix Hall’s roof, also dating back to the 11th century; and Byodo-in museum ‘Hoshokan’, which exhibits ‘karakusa’ (foliage scrollwork pattern) embroidery, as well as the beautiful temple bell, finely carved with dancing celestial beings, lions, and phoenixes. And in Spring, a 280-year-old wisteria tree blooms, delighting visitors. The flower clusters almost reach the ground, some as long as 150cm. Wisteria (‘fuji’ in Japanese) is even on the crest of the Fujiwara clan, who built Byodo-in. Omotesando, the road leading to the temple, is another highlight – it’s lined with old shops selling the famous ‘ujicha’ tea and full of local colour.

Next time we introduce Himeji Castle in Hyogo Prefecture.