Delicate Beauties


Art Facial Masks アートマスク - Delicate Beauties

 Delicate Beauties

They say size doesn’t matter, and in the case of many Japanese goods, they’recorrect. Whether they’re thoughtful, heart-warming, delicate or just small but perfectly formed, there’s a mountain of pocket-sized goods in Japan that make ideal souvenirs. In this column, we aim to showcase some of them.


Art Facial Masks  アートマスク 

 ◆◇◆◇◆ Art Facial Masks ◆◇◆◇◆ 

You can get all sorts of facial masks these days ‒ ones that moisturise, ones that smooth and plump up the skin, ones that whiten and so on. Indeed, there are so many, it’s hard to choose. If you’re keen on maintaining your look, you’ve no doubt tried at least one.

However, it’s probably only Japan that offers ‘Art Facial Masks’, designed to not just provide beauty benefits, but make those around you laugh. Once on your face, they transform you into a comic character, a cat or dog, a samurai, or even a kabuki actor. Normally, you’d never want to show people what you look like with a facial mask on, but these are so fun, we guarantee you’ll want to. They even work on guys’ faces.

Compact and affordable, these are a perfect little gift or souvenir. Recently, you’ve even been able to find them in Asian cosmetics stores, so go try one if you can.


 ◆◇◆◇◆ アートマスク ◆◇◆◇◆ 


でも、美容上の効果が期待できるだけでなく、使用中に『周りを楽しませるパック』『笑ってきれいになるパック』=アートマスクがあるのは日本だけ?! 顔にフィットさせると、キャラクター、犬や猫、侍に変身。なんと歌舞伎の隈取を柄にした物もあります。パックをしている顔は見せられたものではないけれど、アートマスクをしている10分程度の間、楽しい気分で人に見せたくなること請け合い。男子がしてもおもしろい。
