Delicate Beauties


Book Jackets ブックカバー - Delicate Beauties

 Delicate Beauties

They say size doesn’t matter, and in the case of many Japanese goods, they’recorrect. Whether they’re thoughtful, heart-warming, delicate or just small but perfectly formed, there’s a mountain of pocket-sized goods in Japan that make ideal souvenirs. In this column, we aim to showcase some of them.


Book Jackets  - ブックカバー 

 ◆◇◆◇◆ Book Jackets  ◆◇◆◇◆ 

Even if society as a whole is moving away from physical books,most people still have time to indulge in reading one occasionally. So, whether it’s a book you’re carrying around right now, a favourite tome you’ve read multiple times, or something you’ve recommended to a friend, why not put a Japanese book jacket on it? They don’t just protect the covers from dirt and damage, in true Japanese style, they also have a range of pretty patterns to choose from.

If you buy a book in Japan, most will offer to put a plain jacket on it with their own logo, but if you refuse that and use your own, you’re also helping the environment.
You can choose from a range of materials, such as paper, cloth or leather, and sizes, with jackets even available up to A3, so you’re sure to find ones to suit your collection. The one we’re showcasing this month comes with a bookmark, and can be adjusted to suit the book’s thickness. Being fabric, it’s washable, too, and the traditional Japanese pattern is pretty.


 ◆◇◆◇◆ ブックカバー ◆◇◆◇◆ 

本離れが進んだ世の中とは言え、じっくり本を読む機会もまだまだあるはず。持ち歩きたい本、繰り返し読みたい本、友達に勧めたい本に、カバーを付けませんか? 破れたり、汚れたりするのを防ぐだけでなく、持っていてうれしくなる ような、柄も揃っています。

ブックカバーの材質は、紙・布、革など。サイズもA5 ・A4・A3対応などさまざまな種類があり、オーストラリアの本に合うサイズもありました。今回ご紹介したのは、しおり付き、本の厚さによって調整可能で、洗える布製。和柄もかわいいですね。