New Year Greetings 新年のごあいさつ

The Hon Daniel Andrews MP


I warmly wish the readers and staff of Dengon Net newspaper a Happy New Year.

Victoria is proud of our multiculturalism and is home to a vibrant Japanese community, with more than 6,000 Victorians born in Japan. This community allows all Victorians to share in the culture of Japan including food, film, language and martial arts.

2015 marked the 35th anniversary of the sister-state relationship of Victoria and Aichi Prefecture, providing an opportunity to reflect on our enduring friendship and discuss new areas of collaboration for the future. It was with pleasure that I welcomed a delegation from Aichi Prefecture, led by Vice-Governor Mr Senta Morioka, to Victoria for the anniversary celebration in August.

We share in a love of sport and culture, which continues to bring Japan and Victoria close together as natural friends. Victoria has warmly welcomed Japanese horses, trainers and owners competing in the Melbourne Cup. I look forward to again seeing Japanese participants at the 2016 Cup Carnival.

Victoria is also pleased to be hosting the Australia-Japan Business Co-operation Committee conference in October. I look forward to welcoming Japanese delegates to Melbourne for the conference, where we can together strengthen relationships and form new partnerships.

I commend the staff of Dengon Net for their work, and particularly for supporting the Japanese community to build strong social networks and maintain connections with their homeland.

On behalf of the Victorian Government, I wish the readers and staff of Dengon Net all the best in 2016.

Hon Daniel Andrews-sign

The Hon Daniel Andrews MP






総領事 羽田 恵子