34A Elizabeth Street, South Yara, VIC 3141



① 都一 冷やし中華3食スープ付き(しょうゆ/胡麻だれとアミ印 冷や  し中華スープ(しょうゆ/白醤油レモン風味)各180mlが好評発中!
 島の香 元気な佃煮(栄養煮/蜆生姜煮/しば漬けきくらげ/しそ昆布  /ごま昆布)を入荷しました!
 人気のマルちゃん あったかごはん3P、玄米ごはん3Pを間もなく入荷  予定!
 伊藤園 充実野菜 完熟ももミックスとぶどうミックスが特売中!
⑤ 紀文 冷凍たこやき1kgが大特価!!

 << 注目商品 >>
① 霜降り和牛スライス、和牛カルビ、和牛ステーキ、黒豚スライス、豚バ  ラが販売中。
② 新鮮野菜(大根、ねぎ、白菜、椎茸、えのき、しめじ等)が、毎週水、  木曜日に入荷。

③ あんぱん、メロンパン、カレーパン、焼そばパンなど、毎週水・土曜日  に入荷。

④ 豪州産のフレッシュな紫蘇・ごぼう・里芋が入荷中。


 ☆ 1時間駐車無料サービス ☆


S&B Fair 
S&B's curry, Stew, Hashed meat and Pasta Sauce etc are 20%OFF!!

< New Arrivals & Specials>
1. Cold Ramen with soy sauce and vinegar soup/ sesame flavored soup (3 servings) are  in store now!
2.  5 kinds of Preserved Seafood boiled in soy are now on sale!  
3. Instant Cooked Rice & Instant Cooked Brown Rice (3 servings) are will arrive soon!
4. Itoen Veggie Shot Grape / Peach (898ml) are on sale! 
5. Kibun Frozen Takoyaki (grilled dumpling with bits of octopus inside) 1kg are on sale!

1. Try our delicious Sliced Wagyu Beef and the BBQ cut, Sliced Kurobuta Pork     and Sliced Pork Belly.
2. Fresh vegetables (Daikon Raddish, Spring Onion, Chinese Cabbege) and mushroom
   (Enoki, Shimeji, Shitake, King Oyster) arrive every Thursday.
3. Japanese Breads (such as Sweet red bean buns, Melon bread, Curry bun, Yakisoba         bread etc) arrive every Saturday.
4. We have fresh  Shiso (Perilla) Leaves, Burdock and Taro.

5. We have healthy Konjyak Noodles. (Known as "Miracle Noodles")