高級グリルパンとA5飛騨牛のセットが当たる! Win Grill pan & A5 grade Wagyu!
Win the best of both worlds!
Swiss Diamond XD63281 Square Grill Pan 28 X 28cm ($319.95相当) +
Win a Swiss Diamond XD63281 Square Grill Pan 28 X 28cm (VALUED AT $319.95) +
4X Hida A5 Wagyu Porterhouse Steaks (VALUED AT $500) Set!
天然ダイヤモンドをコーティングに使用する技術を開発し、最高級のキッチンウェアを生み出したスイスダイヤモンドのグリル・パンと、上質な肉を提供するとプロ達が信頼を寄せるGlobal Meatsが自信を持ってお勧めする飛騨牛の欲張りなセットです!
※ 当選者には、Swiss DiamondGlobal Meatsより直接送られます。
Swiss Diamond is dedicated to empowering the home chef by manufacturing the highest quality nonstick cookware in the world.
Global Meats that professionals trust to provide high quality meat.
※ The winner will receive directly from Swiss Diamond and Global Meats.

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応募締切: 2020年7月31日(金)

<Giveaway Guideline>
※Victoria Only
Email: info@dengonnet.net

[Grill pan & Wagyu]
1. Full name 2. Residential address 3. Postcode 4. Telephone number 5. Age 6. Occupation  7. Feedback on the monthly paper DENGONNET/Japan Monthly 8. Your favourite articles/columns 9. Your least favourite articles/columns 10. Ideas for future articles/columns 11. Feedback on the Dengon Net website 12. Which Dengon Net’s social media services (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter) are you following?

Deadline:Friday 31st July 2020
Thank you for entering our completion. Entries are now closed.