日本の映画をオンラインで! Watching Japanese movies online!
Make your time at home more enjoyable by watching Japanese movies online!
Japan Film Festival Magazineのウェブサイトで、Moosic Labの12本の映画をストリーミングできる無料サービスが始まりました。これは、新人監督、俳優、音楽家の登竜門として知られるMoosic LabとJapanese Film Festival Magazine のコラボレーション企画です。
映画には、Japan Film Festival 2019で上映された、Moonless Dawn(暁闇)Rent a Friend(月極オトコトモダチ)も含まれています。見逃した人には絶好のチャンス。すべて英語字幕付きです。
Great news for you who are bored staying at home! 
The Japan Film Festival Magazine website has launched a free service to stream 12 Moosic Lab movies. This is a collaboration between the Japanese Film Festival Magazine and Moosic Lab. Moosic Lab is a movie competition with a difference, where up-and coming movie directors work with music artists to produce works based on the synergy between the the movies and the music. Only outside Japan, we are doing until end of May
The films in the program include Moonless Dawn and Rent a Friend, both screened at the Japan Film Festival 2019. This is a great opportunity to catch up on these films for those who have missed seeing them the first time around. All JFF Online movies have English subtitles.
For details, please check the following site.