ノスタルジック…でも新しい-The Terminus Hotel(2016年5月号)

「あの店に行ったらステーキを食べなくちゃ! 」と、友人がやや興奮気味に語る”あの店”とは、Queens Paradeの端、Merri Creekに程近い場所にあるThe Terminus Hotel。約150年の歴史があり、良質なドリンクと食事が楽しめる店として、North Fitzroyを中心とした地元の人々に愛されている。店は、友人とのキャッチアップにピッタリのバーとビアガーデン、ゆったり落ち着いた雰囲気のダイニングルームがあり、今回はダイニングルームでマネージャーDaveさんのお勧めメニューをいただいた。

The Terminus Hotel

まずは、人気のシェアプレートBeetroot vodka cured kingfish。程好く脂が抜けたウォッカじめのKingfish、ほんのりワサビが香る濃厚なサワークリーム、カリカリのクルトン、ビートルートときゅうりが層になった一品。パクリと口に含めば、素材の持ち味が混ざり合い、複雑な味わいに。食感の違いも楽しく、ドリンク片手に話が弾みそう。華やかでありながら可憐な見た目は、女性が喜びそうだ。

Beetroot vodka cured kingfish

Beetroot vodka cured kingfish  $14.9

「やっぱりうちに来たならステーキは外せないね」とDaveさん。どこかで聞いたようなフレーズにデジャブ感に襲われていると、Sweet corn saladとEye Filletが登場。カラフルな色合いのSweet corn saladは、コーンと豆の粒々した感じと赤キャベツのシャキッとした食感のコントラストが印象的。ハーブと酸味がきいたドレシングがコーンの甘味をグッと引き出していて、箸休めにピッタリ。

weet corn salad

Sweet corn salad   $9.9

ミディアムレアに焼かれたEye Filletは、軟らかくジューシー。肉の旨みがしっかり味わえるのに、肉特有のクセがなく食べやすいので、200gをあっという間に平らげてしまった。ステーキは肉を焼くだけと思っていたが、自分で焼いてみると、うまく焼くことができない。シンプルな調理だけに、ごまかしの効かない料理だと改めて思った。そのまま食べても十分おいしいが、付け添えのバーネーズソースを付けると、こってりとクリーミーな味が楽しめ、1品で2度おいしい体験ができる。バーネーズソースは、バターを使ったマヨネーズといった感じで、タラゴンのかすかな甘い香りで軽やかな後味。チップスにも良く合うので、お試しを。

200g Eye Fillet

200g Eye Fillet    $37.9



‘If you go there, you have got to try their steak!’ The place my friend was talking of so excitedly was the Terminus Hotel, at the end of Queens Parade and not far from Merri Creek. With a history of some 150 years, the Terminus is much loved by the locals of North Fitzroy and surrounds as a place to enjoy high quality food and drink. It has a bar and beer garden, perfect for catching up with friends, and a quiet, comfortable dining room. On this occasion I sit in the dining room and try some of the manager Dave’s recommendations. 

First I sample the popular share plate ‘Beetroot vodka cured kingfish’, a layered dish comprised of kingfish (made less oily by the vodka curing), rich sour cream with a subtle hint of wasabi, crunchy croutons, beetroot and cucumber. When you take a bite, all the different ingredients meld to create a complex flavour. The variety of textures is enjoyable too. This dish seems like a good thing to eat while carrying on a lively conversation with drink in hand. Female diners may be taken with its gorgeous appearance, too. 

‘If you eat here, you have got to try the steak,’ says Dave, which gives me a feeling of deja vu. The ‘Eye Fillet’ and ‘Sweet corn salad’ arrive. The colourful sweet corn salad’s textural contrast of corn and beans with crunchy red cabbage leaves quite an impression. The nicely tart and herbed dressing brings out the sweetness of the corn, making this dish perfect for a palate cleanser. 

The medium-rare Eye Fillet is tender and juicy. It’s bursting with umami flavour without being too strong-tasting, making it very edible indeed. I ate up all 200g in the blink of an eye. When cooking steak myself, I had thought it must be easy   you just grill the meat, right? But it didn’t turn out well. Eating this steak, I realise anew how you just can’t fake good cooking when it comes to simply-prepared food. The steak, delicious on its own, comes with Bearnaise sauce on the side; eaten with this rich, creamy sauce it’s a different experience, giving the pleasure of two dishes in one. The Bearnaise sauce tastes a little like mayonnaise made with butter, and has a slightly sweet tarragon aftertaste. It goes well with chips, too. 

Recently when eating at pubs, I’ve found that either the meals are thuddingly old-fashioned in both size and presentation, or at the other extreme they’re like something out of an excessively fancy restaurant. However, at the Terminus you can enjoy food that’s a good balance between old-fashioned and a bit dressed-up. Maybe next time I’ll take my husband along and have steak again! Gochisosama deshita. 


The Terminus Hotel
492 Queens Parade North Fitzroy
03 9481 3182
Lunch Sat・Sun  12pm-
Dinner  7days  6pm-