
414()the 3rd annual HachiSounds Autumn Live Concertが開催された。 BrunswickEstonian HallJ-pop/k-popのファンで埋まった。HachiSoundsのコンサートは、評判が良く、回数を重ねるごとに会場が大きくなっている。

会場では、ライブショウの他に、主催者のJakeCatによって景品の抽選会があったり、メルボルン唯一のメイド喫茶DokiDoki Station/Ani Cafeのかわいいメイド達と話せたりと、たくさんの催し物があった。また、Mama Ems Cateringのおいしい日本料理が食べられたり、Rock Star Booth Photoで写真を撮ったりと、観客を大いに楽しませた。K-pop AustraliaPassion StudioYesStyleBLKHelloKpopKatsiiProject628Aus2Oneなどのスポンサーのおかげで楽しいイベントにすることができた。

ライブがスタートしたのは午後6時過ぎ、ロックバンドのEightsやシンガーのRoseが素敵な歌声を披露し、Kamikaze Mugenがカッコイイダンスで観客を魅力した。
次の4時間は、ダンスグループ、バンド、アイドルグループなどのさまざまなパフォーマンスがあった。Untitled, Illusive, Passion Studio, Media Majors, Darren TP, One True 9BLKなどによる素晴らしいダンスムーブ。ジャパニーズロックバンドのRokubanやヴィジュアル系バンドChaos Melodyの刺激的な音楽。Kien Bui, Fusion(Duo), Jannell, Isaac & Colleenも会場を大いに賑わせた。

Philip Chauの美しいピアノの演奏の後には、メルボルン出身の実力派J-popガールズグループGD3がライブデビューを飾った。


主催者のHachi Group Entertainment は、今夜のイベントを通して、観客にJ-pop/k-popの素晴らしさを伝えることに見事に成功したのは間違いない。次のライブは、またひと回り大きな会場を必要とするだろう。今後のHachiSounds Live Concertの情報はこのリンクから!www.hachisounds.com/


www.youtube.com/watch?v=dI4Tr1jUBUw (Ekim Production提供)

Saturday 14th April saw the 3rd annual HachiSounds Autumn Live concert in the beautiful surroundings of the Estonian Hall in Brunswick. A capacity crowd were treated to a fantastic evening full of exciting entertainment, cosplay, fabulous DJ, competitions/giveaways and sponsor stalls selling authentic merchandise and memorabilia.

The HachiSound concerts began 3 years ago, with the idea of promoting all things j-pop + k-pop, and Saturdays concert was the biggest and best yet.

Between musical and dance acts on stage, ably MC’d by organisers Jake and Cat, concertgoers could have their photo taken in Rock Star Booth Photo, enjoy great food from Mama Ems Catering, talk to the true maids from DokiDoki Station/ AniCafe (who also kindly assisted with all prize giveaways and competitions throughout the event), catch up with Kpop Australia, Passion Studio, YesStyle, BLK, HelloKpop, Katsii, Project628, and Aus2One.

Rock band Eights set the tone for the evening with their exciting performance to open, followed by Rose captivating all with her great vocal. Kamikaze Mugen then thrilled with their dance routines to open the show.

The next four hours were filled with superb and energetic dance routines, from Untitled, Illusive, Passion Studio, Media Majors, Darren TP, Realene, One True 9, BLK, and  more from the amazing Kamikaze Mugen crew. The high quality, inspiring music acts included j-rock bands Chaos Melody, Rokuban, and more from Eights. Other acts Kien Bui, Fusion (duo), Janelle, Isaac & Colleen were highly entertaining, Philip Chau with his amazing Piano treat for the crowd, as well as the stunning debut of new Asian Pop sensations GD3, from Melbourne. After an impressive close including 6 part vocals from Kamikaze Mugen, the enthusiastic crowd were treated to a dance party featuring k-pop and j-pop favourites.

The organisers are to be congratulated on a very professional and enjoyable event. All who attended had a great time, and the atmosphere was exciting and highly entertaining all evening. I fear HachiSounds will need a much bigger venue for their next event – anything this good is bound to attract many more to any future concerts/events. Keep an eye out for HachiSounds (http://www.hachisounds.com/) for your dose of authentic k-pop and j-pop! 

To watch the video of the HachiSounds live, please visit the link↓

www.youtube.com/watch?v=dI4Tr1jUBUw (Provided by Ekim Production)

(Ammobox Production 工藤・編)