鮨 - All about Sushi

世界中でもヘルシーフードとして人気の“我らが鮨”には、その起源から種類、食べ方まで日本人でも知らない“ネタ”がいっぱい。There is so much information about ‘our sushi’, popular as a healthy food worldwide, that even Japanese people may not know all the facts.

マナー実践編 その1 - All About SUSHI

鮨 - All About SUSHI


Whether it’s nigiri-zushi or nori rolls, rotating on a conveyer belt or lined up in a row, right now in Melbourne you’ll see a sushi shop on every block. There is so much information about ‘our sushi’, popular as a healthy food worldwide, that even Japanese people may not know all the facts. Enjoy these morsels of information, and you’ll enjoy your sushi all the more.

● ● ●  マナー実践編 その1 ● ● ●

manners初めて訪れる店ならば、カウンター席よりもテーブル席の方が無難。カウンター席は寿司職人と 距離が最も近いので、常連客が職人との会話を楽しむための専用席となっている場合もあるから だ。店内では“香水のつけ過ぎ”に注意し、“タバコは吸わない”こと。また、なぜか寿司屋に限って 出てしまう薀蓄の披露や符丁(“おあいそ”や“むらさき”など)の多用に気を付けよう。

席に着くとおしぼりが出されるので、まずは手を拭こう。食べ方は、箸でも手でもOK。箸の場合 は、鮨を横に倒してネタとご飯を箸で挟み寿司をひっくり返すように。手の場合は両方から優しく ネタとご飯を、親指、人差し指、中指で挟むようにし、いずれの場合も上下逆さにしてネタに少量 の醤油を付け、舌の上にネタが来るように口に運ぶ。

sushiにぎり鮨は、10貫が1人前とされている。1貫をひと口で食べるのが基本で、これは少しずつ食 べるとご飯が崩れたり乾燥したりしてしまうためと、形にもこだわる寿司職人への敬意でもある。 どうしてもひと口で食べられない場合は、あらかじめご飯を半分にしておくと良い。寿司は握り始 めから酸化と変色が始まるので、出されたらできるだけ早めに食べよう。


Get the most out of your sushi《 In practice 》01

● No perfume, no smoking
no smokingWhen first visiting a sushi restaurant, sit not at the counter but at a table. In some places, the counter seats are considered to be reserved for regulars, as they allow customers to enjoy conversing with the sushi chefs. Do not wear strong perfume or smoke cigarettes in the restaurant. Also, take care not to over-use sushi jargon.

● Chopsticks or hands? It’s up to you
When you arrive in your seat, an ‘oshibori’ (wet towel) will be brought, so first wipe your hands on that. It’s okay to eat sushi with chopsticks or with your hands. If using chopsticks, turn the sushi on its side and pick it up so that the two chopsticks hold the rice and topping together. If using hands, gently pick up the sushi, holding the rice and topping together using your index and middle fingers to support it. Whether you use chopsticks or hands, turn the sushi upside down so you can dip the topping in a little soy sauce, and put it in your mouth so that the topping hits your tongue first.

● One piece? One bite
sushiTen pieces of sushi is considered to serve one person. Each piece should be eaten in one bite; this is because if eaten a little at a time, the rice might crumble or dry out, and it also shows respect to the art of the sushi chef who carefully formed the piece. If you really can’t manage in one bite, divide the rice in half before eating. Sushi may begin to oxidise or change colour as soon as it is made, so try to eat it as soon as it’s served.

Next time, We will continue to talk about practical matters such as etiquette when eating sushi.

協力 / Thasnks to : Kenzan